Yvonne Porter 1933-2023

Yvonne Porter died on Sunday 30th October 2023 at the age of 90.  Yvonne joined The Guild of Devonshire Ringers on moving to Saltash in 1955, becoming a member of the St Andrew’s, Plymouth, band until 1981.  In 1982 she transferred to Stoke Damerel, coping more easily with the lighter bells.  She had served as General Secretary of The Guild from 1978 to 1988, becoming Guild Master in 1989, and a Vice President from 1990.  Yvonne had many ringing friends across the country, and was a member of the Ladies’ Guild and a Cumberland Youth.  Although too frail to ring for some years, she is sadly missed.  

Yvonne’s funeral took place in Stoke Damerel Parish Church, Plymouth  PL1 5QL on Monday 28th November at 12.30pm. The bells were available to any ringers wanting to take part from 11.30am.