Jean Barnes 1950 - 2023

A Tribute to Jean Barnes 28th July 1950 to 2nd March 2023

There are many words that can be used to describe Jean: mother, grandmother, friend, teacher, musician, bell ringer, artist, eccentric, imaginative, irritating, memorable, endearing, child-like, patient, encouraging, helpful – but never organised or punctual! Whichever words you choose there is no denying that she was one of a kind!

Jean started ringing in the mid 1970s and was taught by her late husband, Roger. She continued to ring for the rest of her life, even up to a couple of weeks before she died. She was a staunch supporter of ringing at St Silas, Blackburn, Lancashire and also a faithful member of the congregation and rarely missed any of the organ recitals and café concerts held there.

The NW District of the Ladies Guild was formed in 2003. Jean was the ringing master for the District when I joined back in 2006. In her usual encouraging, yet forthright, way Jean invited District members to ring as many bells as possible in each tower we visited, and to have a go at calling some changes or starting and stopping a method. This was fairly revolutionary, women, on back bells and invited to call something! Jean made things possible, I learnt to call a touch of Grandsire Doubles (what else with Jean!) and returned to my home tower full of achievement. I am convinced that, had it not been for Jean, it would have been quite some years later before I tried this.

Jean considered herself the guardian of the method of Grandsire and delighted in ringing, calling and teaching it. Her Grandsire Blaster training sessions were known and appreciated across the North West.

Most people will remember Jean’s ability to find a child-like joy and humour in almost any situation – if there was a wall, she would walk along it; a hole and she would look into it; steps and she would climb them; a door (especially locked) she would try to open it; a rail and she would swing from it. She had her own way of looking at and describing things – a way which often flummoxed ‘ordinary’ people! Her synaesthesia was often the focus of this and her habit of hearing bells in colours was bewildering to many. She was always willing to talk to and include any-one – indeed it could be difficult to stop her. She never had a cruel or unkind word and was always generous of spirit. Her gift of birthday touches – a piece of ringing containing the same number of changes as the birthday in question – will live forever.

Jean organised and conducted peals and QPs with a band of women who rang on Mothering Sunday, several of which were rung for the Ladies Guild. Whilst some pre-date the inception of the NW District they show Jean’s instinctive willingness to encourage women to ring together, which was further developed when Jean Kelly moved to the NW in 2000 and the NW District was formed.

I asked District members for their memories of Jean and here is some of what was said:

‘Jean was one of the first people I met when I was on the Association committee. I rang my first QP on ten with her in 2014 and first inside on 10 in 2015. Last time I rang with her was with the mid Pennine ringers (aka the geriatrics) on 15th February. She seemed surprised when I asked her to stand behind me ringing spliced surprise major, but who better? I thought then that she might not be able to ring much but her knowledge and experience were still needed. I couldn’t believe it when she died so soon after.’

‘Jean encouraged me as a ringer and we rang several peals together in the 1980s. She had me in stitches on several occasions telling me what she thought about during peals and I sat on her floor drinking coffee while she singed her back next to the gas fire. I remember her drafting her cartoon books, but I also knew her skill as a musician as she arrived at schools enthusing youngsters to play violin and cello. She was always prepared to help advise as I prepared parts for her pupils to play in concerts. It was that zest for life and infectious enthusiasm which endeared her to the people she met. Once I moved to Yorkshire she would arrive at my house unexpected, often with her grandson in tow, stop for a meal / drink. She was just fun to be around. I do remember her ringing me from North Scotland around midnight to tell me she crunched the car into a camper van from Luxembourg! She was just a lovely friend.’

‘Jean always had a friendly welcome word to say, a smile, saw the funny side with a twinkle in her eye. I remember Jean actively supporting the new tune ringing handbell band in NW District and bringing her ideas for lovely music that could suit the capabilities of the band and continue to help expand their repertoire. Jean made me aware of the shortest touch of Grandsire Doubles - 20 changes, 2 consecutive singles - as Jean continued to enjoy her ringing with the NW District of the LG.’

‘I will always be grateful for the way she helped me to feel so welcome in the District. I know we used to joke about her driving, and yes it could be a bit hair raising at times but she was always ready to offer me a lift not only to the Ladies Guild meetings but also on occasion to Blackburn Branch meetings the last of those being the meeting at Blackburn Cathedral in February of this year. She had a wicked sense of humour and was always happy to play tour guide as we drove be-tween towers, pointing out places of interest as we went. I honestly feel the World is going to be a little duller without her.’

What a talented and courageous lady Jean was.

‘She was always there at the Ladies Guild and Geriatrics supporting everyone. Her cats. And her colours. When she came to the rededication of Healey bells she described them as brown velvet. Seemed odd to me at the time but when I got to know her better it made sense. She was good company and she will be missed.’

Jean rang in 629 Peals between 1976 and 2007 as recorded on Pealbase. According to Bellboard Jean also rang one half Peal and at least 469 Quarter Peals, seven of which were attributed to the Ladies Guild, although I have noticed others that mention the Guild in the footnote but the Association field was omitted.

Jean last rang with the NW District on 4th February 2023, ringing some rounds at Ramsbottom having shown her usual tenacity to get herself up the staircase!

Jean will be sorely missed, may she rest in peace and rise in glory.

Written by Dawn Neville, NW District Secretary, with thanks to Charlotte Ferguson for contributions