National AGM 16/06/2018

The following report, from Robert Wellen, Guild Master of the Salisbury Diocesan Guild of Ringers, was printed in 'Face to Face', the SDGR newsletter, and is included here with permission and by request.

Ladies' Guild National AGM, from Robert Wellen (Guild Master)

It is not customary for mention to be made in this publication of the activities of other Guilds and Associations. But I feel that mention must be made of the National AGM of the Ladies‘ Guild which this year was held in the Diocese of Salisbury on Saturday 16 June. I had the pleasure of being invited to represent the Salisbury DG and many Salisbury Guild members, including our President and Guild Treasurer were there, 'with different hats on‘. 

There was ringing in the morning on a route from Stourton through Gillingham to Shaftesbury, with a service at St John‘s church, Charlton with tea at the Remembrance Hall. The uplifting service was led by the Reverend Richard Warhurst. I joined Christopher Sykes (Captain at Donhead St Mary) for ringing with the non-Ladies whilst the meeting was going on, before returning to the Hall for a 'magnificent tea‘. The theme of the arrangements was the centenary of women‘s suffrage and this was reflected in the colour scheme and a special cake.