Iris Webb 1926 - 2016

Iris Webb, Daventry Branch Secretary from 1968 until 1985 (excluding 1981) died at Kilsby House on March 3, 2016 aged 90.   Iris joined the Guild with husband Stan in 1954, took over as tower captain when Stan died in 1984 until February 2006 by when dementia was so severe that she moved to Kilsby House.  During Stan and Iris’ time, Staverton practices were a local centre of ringing and well attended.  They were also active handbell ringers.  Their four children were of course required to ring and son John still lives in Staverton   where Iris ran the Post Office in the hall of the house for several years.  There will be a private cremation.  A celebration of Iris’ life will take place at Staverton Church with the Revd. Liz Cowley (the most recently retired Vicar of Staverton), on Wednesday, April 27 at 3 pm.  There will be open ringing before and after the service, organised by Richard Hartley who would be pleased to know in advance of anyone who wants to ring, so that the appropriate arrangements can be made and notified.  

Iris was also a life member of the Ladies Guild Northampton District from its inception in 1977.  She was Vice President from 1977 to 1978.

Rosemary Hemmings