East Midlands

District closed in 2023. See report on the history of the district here.

East Midlands District report for 2022

It is with a heavy heart that I write my final report for our district.

As our President says the last couple of years have been difficult and every effort has been put into ways of trying to continue. With the reluctance of anyone wanting to fill the role of Vice President the decision has been made to make this our last meeting.

This year we have met four times throughout our region – 18th February, 23rd April, 13th August & 15th October. Our Meetings are varied and cater for ringers of all abilities ringing from basic rounds and call changes to more complex methods de-pending on the capabilities of the members present. Meetings are always relaxed which we find makes for a great social event and progression of ringing. They have all been very enjoyable even with the low attendances on some occasions.

I would like to thank all tower captains and incumbents for allowing us to ring at their churches and making our group of Ladies feel welcome, along with the organisers of our district meetings by putting a lot of effort into making our ringing days successful and memorable.

My thanks go to Janet who has very ably assisted me in the role as minute taker. To Shirley our Treasurer for her sterling work in collecting both membership fees and tower fees. Finally to June who has been the lynchpin in keeping the district alive over the last 20 years.

Diane Moore

East Midlands District report for 2021

The East Midlands District did not meet for ringing during 2021 due to the Covid 19 virus restrictions. We held an AGM by Zoom in which the National questions for Rule Changes were discussed and the agreed response was sent to the National secretary. The job descriptions for the national posts becoming vacant were also advertised. The officers have remained the same and we hope to resume ringing in 2022.

Janet Stevenson, Minute Secretary

East Midlands District report for 2019

This was a big year for us as it was our turn to host the national AGM in June. Planning had been ongoing for the past two years and was the focus of our meetings in February and May.

The AGM was to be held at Clarborough, Notts to ring on the newly augmented 8. The team of helpers all worked very hard to steward towers, provide tea and hospitality. Everything went smoothly on the day. We were disappointed that more members did not feel able to travel north, but those who did were rewarded by lovely weather, good bells and a friendly welcome.

We say a big thank you to all our members who worked so hard.

At our ADM in February the officers were re-elected.

Members attended training days/weekend on conducting in Eckingham in January and Nottinghamshire alongside the national AGM, both run very effectively by Jane Lynch. We thank Helen Webb for her enthusiasm and encouragement to do this. She really helped this district to move forward with our ringing during her term as national president. As a result we have gained new members and are being more ambitious in our ringing.

We have started to attempt a quarter peal before meetings and achieved a first without imported help on 5th October 2019 at Farndon, Nottinghamshire. We have also started to nominate methods for meetings.

We met five times: Feb 9th Keyworth Notts ( ADM); May 11th Barnby in the Willows, Notts; June 22nd Clarborough Notts National AGM + training course; Aug 17th Burton on the Wolds Leics; Oct 5th Gunthorpe, Notts.

We were also very saddened to lose one of our long standing, but recently retired ringers, Margaret Pollard. Margaret was a well loved member of the East Midlands Branch and will be missed.

We have changed payment on meeting days to £5 per day regardless of how many towers are rung at instead of £1 per tower. This has enabled us to cover tower fees and to end the year in profit.

2019 has been a good year for the East Midlands District.

Janet Stevenson, Minute Secretary

East Midlands District report for 2018

This year’s ADM was held on the 9th February 2019 in Keyworth, Nottinghamshire, attended by 20 of our members. 

How the time flies, it doesn’t seem five minutes since I was writing last year’s report.  As in previous years we have again had a positive year, welcoming 3 new members to our district.  We have met four times during 2018 - February in Nottinghamshire, May in Leicestershire, August in Derbyshire and October in South Yorkshire, with an average attendance of 15 at each meeting. As a district we have managed to ring four quarter peals. 

We have rang a variety of methods and cater for ringers of all abilities ringing from basic rounds and call changes to more complex methods depending on the capabilities of the members present.  Meetings are always relaxed which we find makes for a great social event and progression of ringing.

Finally, I would like to thank all tower captains and incumbents for allowing us to ring at their churches and making our group of Ladies feel welcome, along with the organisers of our district meetings by putting a lot of effort into making our ringing days successful and memorable. And last but not least our members for attending without whom we would not be able to ring.

Diane Moore

East Midlands District report for 2017

We have had another successful year in the East Midlands District welcoming six new members. Our members take turns to organise our meetings, and we are very grateful to them all, it’s not an easy task to take on planning the route and co-ordinating the towers.  This year we have met four times – 18th February, 13th May, 12th August & 14th October.  Attendance averages around 14.  Our Meetings are varied and cater for ringers of all abilities ringing from basic rounds and call changes to more complex methods depending on the capabilities of the members present. Meetings are always relaxed which we find makes for a great social event and progression of ringing.

Sadly we lost two founder members this year. In April Edna Bradley, Tower Captain at Clarborough, died following a short illness.   Then on the 5th July Val Webb died suddenly, which was a great shock to everyone.  A quarter peal of 1260 Plain Bob Doubles was rung on the 7th October 2017 for her at All Hallows, Ordsall, a tower where she was a member for several years before taking on the Captaincy at West Retford.  This was successful and we all then had a cup of tea and cake in her memory, although we all know she would have preferred us to have a pint.  On the same day another quarter was rang for Val at St Swithin’s, East Retford, which goes to show how popular and well liked Val was. Both Ladies will be greatly missed.

Finally, I would like to thank all tower captains and incumbents for allowing us to ring at their churches and making our group of Ladies feel welcome.

Diane Moore, Secretary

East Midlands District report for 2016

The year 2016 was kind to us! We have rung in Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Lincolnshire thus visiting most of the vast area which we cover. Our meetings have been generally well attended and we have visited some very interesting and scenic areas.

Four meetings have been held and ringing of all abilities have been catered for by our Ringing Master and Vice President Mrs June Stanley. We have also welcomed four new members during this year and are sure we will all enjoy our ringing together.

Sadly 2017 did not start so well for us with the death of Mrs Jill Staniforth. Jill was one of the greatest lady ringers of all time and we will all miss her experience and welcoming smile. I never left Jill presence without somehow feeling uplifted and inspired. 2017 continued with the sad death of Mrs Edna Bradley at the age of 93. Edna loved coming to our meetings and was a founder member of the East Midlands Branch, as was Jill. We shall miss them both and send our condolences to both families.

Diane & I would like to thank all tower captains and incumbents for allowing us to ring at their Churches.

Officials for the year 2017 are: Vice President Mrs June Stanley,   Secretaries Miss Val Webb & Mrs Diane Moore, Treasurer Mrs Shirley Barnett

Finally a big thank you to our outgoing treasurer Mrs Gill Hardy for her many years of hard work in keeping our finances in order.

Val Webb & Diane Moore, Joint Secretaries

East Midlands District report for 2015

The last twelve months have seen us gain four new members, Sue George from Clarborough, Annabelle Prebble from Bawtry and Marion Thomas and Helen Nichols who both ring with the Doncaster and District in South Yorkshire. We have therefore extended the Northern boundary of our coverage, and I am sure we will all enjoy ringing together.

During the year we have rung in Rutland, Lincolnshire and both North and South Nottinghamshire. Our ringing has been varied and arranged to suit all capabilities by our very competent ringing master and Vice President Mrs June Stanley (formerly June Wright).

Some of our meetings have attracted visitors including one gentleman who came all the way from the South East of England to join us in Lincolnshire. Most meetings have been well supported.

Our October meeting was arranged to coincide with the Oswy Street Cup Competition, which is organised by the North Nott’s District of the Southwell and Nottingham Diocesan Guild of Bell ringers. Over the years the number of teams entering this prestigious and stringent striking competition has declined. It was good to be able to support them. Sadly we did not win but hopefully we all gained valuable experience.

Diane and I would like to thank all those who have supported us during the year. Many thanks to all the towers captains and incumbents who have allowed the Ladies Guild to ring their bells.

Val Webb & Diane Moore, Joint Secretaries

East Midlands District report for 2014

The East Midlands District is a small group that manage to meet and ring together. We cover a large area, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire, Rutland, Lincolnshire and Derbyshire. We share the organising and booking of the towers, this does help with local knowledge of the areas and suitable rings of bells for ladies.

This year we have mainly visited Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire. The towers were Gringley-on-the Hill, Everton, Willoughby-on-the-Wolds, Hallaton, Medbourne and Great Easton. Rempstone, Wymeswold, Diseworth, Belton and Coleorton. A cross section of towers where the ringing was enjoyed by all.

Our meetings have been supported by our usual group of loyal members — we added six new members in this year to our numbers, plus a rejoin, sadly one of our members passed away and also a member unable to continue due to work commitments.

This is my last branch secretary report, having been the secretary for the last ten years it is now time to step down. Have fun whoever takes this on! I would like to thank the members and officers for their continued support, especially our Vice Chairman, our Ringing Master and our Treasurer for their continued hard work.

Rosie Mason