ON FACEBOOK AT: ARTICLES on alternative and complementary medicine


April 11 - MARCH 2024  NEWS has been added. Featuring: COVID-19 (including prions, no virus, pro-infection doctors, hypervaccination, Steve Kirsch, Martin Kulldorff, ivermectin); vaccines (general) (including measles, shaken baby syndrome, HPV); pseudoscience at "best hospitals," parasite cleanse, homeopathy, acupuncture, chiropractic, craniosacral therapy, kinesio tape, Mozart effect, AG1 smoothie, intermittent fasting, Gospel of Wellness, ashwagandha, hydrogen water, caffeine, microbiome testing, Havana Syndrome, meditation, naturopaths, ice bathing

March 12 - FEBRUARY 2024 NEWS has been added. Featuring: COVID-19 (including vaccine safety, Simone Gold, vaccine misinformation); "indigenous science," ivermectin and fenbendazole for cancer, whole body MRI, wellness influencers, reiki, somatic therapy, curcumin, "battlefield acupuncture," meditation, naprapathy, leaky gut syndrome, hydrogenated water, colostrum, tart cherries, vitamin D and cardiovascular disease

February 12 - JANUARY 2024 NEWS has been added. Featuring: coronavirus (including Wellness Company, “shedding,” autism, Sensible Medicine, DNA contamination, deaths from hydroxychloroquine, stem cells and exosomes, benefits of masks and vaccines); boosting the immune system, detox, subluxation theory, dual sympathetic reset, cupping, craniosacral therapy, measles outbreaks, acupuncture for aphasia, osteopathic manipulation, mindfulness, predatory journals, video on homeopathy, vampire facials, ketone supplements, vitamin D, Bryan Johnson, multivitamins for memory, collagen supplements, Tesla Biohealing

January 25 - A critique of a paper on DISTANT REIKI has been added to the COMMENTARY section.  "Publishing papers such as this, which uncritically promote the pseudoscience of reiki and the Science of Unitary Human Beings, detracts from the status of nursing as a science-based profession."

January 9, 2024 - DECEMBER 2023 NEWS has been added. Featuring: coronavirus (including Steve Kirsch; junk proteins, Jeffrey Tucker, "turbo cancer," long COVID); AI and misinformation, RFK, Jr., cytotron, pulsed EMF, Mike Adams, medicinal mushrooms, G Spot drinks, live blood analysis, CBD, testosterone supplements, adverse effects of dietary supplements

December 26, 2023 - A critique of a paper on CHROMOTHERAPY has been added to the COMMENTARY  section.

December 10 - NOVEMBER 2023 NEWS  has been added. Featuring: coronavirus (including herd immunity, toxins in vaccines, shedding, “died suddenly,” Cochrane mask review); chiropractic (reflections by Samuel Homola; 7 items from Edzard Ernst); homeopathy; placebos, coffee enemas, melatonin, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., fluoride, ozone, medical freedom, Suzanne Somers, cupping, bioenergy therapies, osteopathic visceral manipulation, omega-3 fatty acids, peptides, DMSO, ginkgo, ketamine, eye-drop products

November 9 - OCTOBER 2023 NEWS has been added. Featuring: coronavirus (including misinformation, "turbo cancer," deaths after vaccine, DNA contamination, long COVID, RFK Jr.); placebo effect, IgG food sensitivity test, auriculotherapy, tai chi, mistletoe, curcumin, Suzanne Somers, cupping, cell and gene therapy 

October 17 - A new version of the article Overview of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) is now available (previous version was 2013)It includes new sections on integrative medicine and functional medicine, and an expanded section on antivaccination efforts. See this page: CAM OVERVIEW. A pdf file of this article (60 pages) is available at this site: CAM OVERVIEW (pdf)  

October 10 - SEPTEMBER 2023 NEWS has been added. Featuring: coronavirus (including bacterial pneumonia, "do not comply," myocarditis, censorship, DNA, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Assem Malhotra); vaccines (general) (including Steve Kirsch, measles, YouTube, rise of the antivaccine movement); fish oil, Stanislaw Burzynski, health misinformation, harm from homeopathy, craniosacral therapy, blue-blocking glasses, magnesium for sleep, antioxidants, Havana Syndrome, misleading advice from NCCIH, Mozart effect 


KCAHF was founded in 1996 as a private nonprofit, voluntary health agency that focused upon health misinformation, fraud, and quackery as public health problems. Its positions were based upon the principles of science that underlie consumer protection law.

KCAHF advocated:

(a) adequate disclosure in labeling and other warranties to enable consumers to make truly informed choices; 

(b) pre-marketing proof of safety and effectiveness for products and services claimed to prevent, alleviate, or cure any health problem; and, 

(c) accountability for those who violate the law.

The organization dissolved in 2017. This website continues in order to promote science-based medicine and the positions advocated by KCAHF.


Nancy Tullis, R.D., died on July 20, 2013.  Nancy was a founding member of KCAHF and was the driving force behind the group for many years.  At various times she served as President, Secretary, and Treasurer.  From her published obituary:

"As President of the Louisville Dietetic Association, she formed Dial-a-Dietitian, a service for the public, which continued for five years. She was on the Board of the Kentucky Dietetic Association for more than ten years, and was chairman of the legislative committee which achieved passage of the certification of dietitians and nutritionists in the Kentucky legislature. When licensure was achieved she served on the first Board of Licensure for Dietitians and Nutritionists by appointment of Governor Brereton Jones.

"Mrs. Tullis volunteered in the office of two Kentucky Attorneys General in planning and coordinating two Health Fraud Conferences for health professionals across the state. She was a founding member of the not-profit Kentucky Council Against Health Fraud, which continues in existence. She was a five-year board member of the National Council Against Health Fraud."

Complete obituary

William T. Jarvis, Ph.D., died on March 1, 2016.  Dr. Jarvis was Professor of Health Promotion and Education at Loma Linda University.  He was one of the founders of the National Council Against Health Fraud and a leader in the antiquackery movement.


Harriet Hall, M.D.,  died on January 11. She was one of the leading critics of unscientific health claims. Dr. Hall wrote regularly for Science-Based Medicine, Skeptical Inquirer, and Skeptic magazine, and she had her own SkepDoc newsletter. The News pages and Articles on the KCAHF website have cited her writings hundreds of times. Her contributions were described by Steven Novella on Science-Based Medicine, by William London and Susan Gerbic on Skeptical Inquirer, and by Michael Shermer on Skeptic.