Square and mitre scarf

Square and Mitre Scarf

This is a recipe, as much as a pattern. Use whatever yarn and needle size you like; as long as your central square starts with an odd number of stitches, then the pattern will work.

The original scarf was made using three balls (a total of 150g/570m/621yds) of Alpaca Select “Kusi Fine” which is a 4ply/fingering weight, and was knitted using 3.75 mm needles. It produced a scarf which is approx.. 8” x 80” (20cm x 200cm)

Skills needed:

Double decrease – slip the next two stiches as though about to knit them together. Knit the next stitch and pass the slipped stitches over the knitted stitch.

Left hand decrease –the original pattern used a K2tog tbl (through the back of the loops), but SSK and Sl1, K1, psso would also work.

Right hand decrease – K2tog.


The pattern starts with the central mitre square. Once this is made, stitches are picked up on two sides of the square, and worked in a long piece (using decreases and yarn overs to keep the mitre pattern) until the desired length.

Then stitches are picked up on the other two sides of the central square, and a second long section is worked to match.

Of course, this assumes that a symmetrical scarf is required. Some may prefer just to have the mitre at one end, and then knit until the yarn runs out. The possibilities are endless.


Central Square

Cast on 63 stitches.

Row 1 (wrong side): K to last st, P1.

Row 2: Sl1, K29, double decrease, K29, P1 (61 sts)

Row 3 (and all wrong side rows): Sl1, K to last st, P1

Row 4: Sl 1, K28, double decrease, K28, P1 (59 sts)

Row 6: Sl1, K27, double decrease, K27, P1 (57 sts)

Continue in this way until 5 stitches remain, ending with a WS row.

Next row: Sl1, double decrease, P1 (3 sts)

Next row: Sl, K to last st, P1

Next row: K3 tog, leave remaining stitch on the needle.

If you wish to have a symmetrical scarf, this is a good time to weigh your existing yarn and divide it into two.

Long section of scarf

Using that remaining stitch as your first st, pick up 30 sts along one side of the square, 1 st in the corner (it may help to place a marker in this stich to help you see the pattern in the first couple of rows), and 31 sts along the next side of the square,

This will feel a little “bunched up” on the needle – don’t worry, this is expected.

Now work the first long piece.

Row 1 and all wrong side rows: Sl1, K to last st, P1.

Row 2 and all right side rows: Sl1, Left hand decrease, K to centre st. YO, K1, YO, K to last three stitches, K2tog, P1

Repeat these two rows until desired length is achieved, and/or the first half of the yarn has run out.

Cast off loosely.

Returning to the central square, pick up 63 stitches across the two remaining sides and work the second long part of the scarf to match the first.

To finish

Block as required and weave in all ends.

If you have any queries with the pattern, please contact me via Ravelry, where my name is “knittingordeath”.

Thanks for your interest in this pattern.