Modular Slippers

Knitted Slipper Using Domino and Short Row Techniques.

Materials and Notions

Approx 150m of double knitting weight yarn.

3.5mm circular knitting needle

Safety pin.


Average woman’s foot (the pattern is very “stretchy” and so will fit most sizes).


Module 1 (shown in blue).

Using a loose method method, cast on 59 sts and knit one row, purling the last stitch.

Next and every even numbered row: sl1, K to 1 st before the centre stitch, sl1, K2. tog, psso. k to the last stitch, p1.

Next and every odd numbered row: sl1, k to last stitch, p1.

Repeat these rows until there is only one stitch left. Place that stitch on a safety pin and fasten off the yarn.

Module 2 (shown in red).

With the right side facing you, and the stitch on the pin at the top of the work, start picking up stitches half way along the right hand side. Pick up 14 sts, then knit the stitch from the pin. Pick up a further 14 sts down the left hand side of the square (29sts in total).

Turn and knit one row, purling the last stitch.

Work this mitred square in the same way as module 1, placing the last stitch on a safety pin.

Module 3 (shown in grey).

Pick up 59 sts along the cast on edge of module 1. Turn and knit one row.

Next row: Knit 57, wrap and turn (w&t).

Next row: Knit 55, w&t

Continue in this way, until you work 1 stitch, before wrapping and turning.

This point now becomes the beginning of your round.

Module 4, The Cuff (shown in white)

Work in K1, P1 rib through all of the stitches on the needle and, continuing in the rib pattern, pick up the stitch from the pin. Work to the end of the row and then join into a round.

Work five more rows in single rib and then cast off (bind off) loosely.

NB – it is also possible to work these rows “flat” (ie, not in the round) and then sew up the small seam.

To finish

Weave in all ends and make another identical slipper to match.