Christmas Knitting Patterns

Five Christmas-inspired patterns for decorations


Holly Leaf


Oddments of Double Knitting Weight Yarn

4mm needles.

To Make:

 Cast on 3 sts and K 3 rows

Row 4: K1, yo, K1, yo, k1 (5 sts)

Row 5: K1, p to last st, K1

Row 6:K2, yo, k1, yo, k2 (7 sts)

Row 7: As row 5

Row 8: K3, yo, k1, yo, k3 (9 sts)

Row 9: As row 5

Row 10: K4, yo, K1, yo, K4 (11 sts)

Row 11: Cast off 3 sts, p to last st, k1 (8 sts)

Row 12: Cast off 3 sts, K1, yo, k1, yo, k2 (7 sts)

Row 13: As row 5

Row 14: As row 8 (9 sts)

Row 15: As row 5

Row 16: As row 10 (11 sts)

Row 17: As row 5

Row 18: K5, yo, k1, yo, K5 (13 sts)

Row 19: Cast off 4 sts, p to last st, K1 (9 sts)

Row 20: Cast off 4 sts, k1, yo, k1, yo, K2 (7 sts)

Row 21: As row 5

Row 22: As row 8 (9 sts)

Row 23: K1, P2, P3tog, P2, K1 (7 sts)

Row 24: K2, sl1, K2tog, psso, K2 (5 sts)

Row 25: K1, p3tog, K1

Row 26: K3 tog. Fasten off yarn.

 NB – The red “berries” were sewn on using DK yarn.


Christmas lights.


Double Knitting Yarn – oddments for each colour and black for the “cable”

3.25mm needles.


To Make:

Using your chosen bulb colour, cast on 5 sts.

Row 1: K

Row 2: P

Row 3: Inc1, k2, inc1, k1 (7 sts)

Row 4: P

Row 5: K2, inc1, K2, inc1, K1 (9 sts)

Row 6: P

Row 7: K2, inc1, K2, inc1, k2 (11 sts)

Row 8: P

Row 9: K2, inc1, K3, inc1, k2, inc1, k2 (14 sts)

Row 10: P

Row 11: K3, inc1, K3, inc1, K3, inc1, K2 (17 sts)

Row 12: P

Row 13: K

Row 14: P

Row 15: (k2, k2tog) rep to last st, k1 (13 sts)

Row 16: (p2tog, p2), rep to last st, p1 (10 sts)

Row 17: K2 tog, rep to end ( 5 sts). Change colour of yarn to black.

Row 18: P1, P2tog, p2tog (3 sts)


Work 3 more rows in black on the three sts.

 Sew up and stuff.

 Make as many bulbs as you require. The bulbs are sewn onto a band made from three rows of garter stitch. Allow approx. 10 sts between each bulb.

Christmas Star


4mm needles

Approx 10g of Double Knitting Weight Yarn

To Make:

Cast on 10 sts and K 1 row.

2nd row: Sl1, Inc1, *yf, K2tog; rep from * to last 2 sts, K2tog.

3rd row: K to end.

Rep the 2nd and 3rd rows twice more.

Cast off, leaving one st on the needle.

Pick up 9 stitches from side of parallelogram and repeat.

After five parallelograms have been completed, fasten off yarn and use the tail to sew the final seam and create a hanging loop.


Candy Cane Gift Bag


4mm needles

Approximately 20g of DK weight yarn in the main colour and an oddment in a contrast colour for the ribbon.

To Make:

Cast on 33 sts.

K4 rows

Row 5: K1, *yo, K2tog; rep from * to end.

Row 6: P 1 row

Work 6 rows st st

Row 13: K2, sl1, K1, psso, yf, k1, yf, k2tog, *k3, sl1, k1, psso, yf, k1, yf, k2tog, rep from * to last 2 sts, K2.

Row 14 every alternate row: Purl

Row 15: K1 *sl1, K1, psso, yf, K3, yf, K2tog, K1; rep to end

Row 15: K4, sl1, k1, psso, yf, *k6, sl1, k1, psso, yf rep from * to last 3 sts, K3

Row 17: K3, sl1, k1, psso, yf, *k6, sl1, k1, psso, yf; rep from * to last 4 sts, K4

Row 19: K2, sl1, k1, psso, yf,*k6, sl1, k1, psso, yf; rep from * to last 5 sts, K5

Row 21: K1, *sl1, k1, psso, yf, K6; rep from * to end.

Work 6 rows st st

Cast off loosely

 Fold in half and sew up the base and side, creating the bag.



Cast on 100 sts.

Knit 1 row.

Cast Off

 Thread the ribbon through the top set of holes.


Christmas Parcel


3.25mm needles.

Double Knitting Yarn, approx 10g for the main colour, and oddments for the contrast (ribbon)


To Make:

Cast on 10 sts and work 13 rows stocking (stockinette) stitch.

Knit 1 row.

Work 13 rows stocking stitch.

Cast on 10 stitches at the beginning of the next two rows and work 11 rows stocking stitch.

Cast off 10 stitches at the beginning of the next two rows.

Work 13 rows stocking stitch.

Cast off.


Short Ribbon.

Cast on 40 sts.

Knit 1 row.

Cast off.


Long Ribbon

Cast on 100 sts.

Knit 1 row.

Cast Off


Sew up the box, leaving an opening to stuff.

Stuff the box and sew the remaining seam(s)


Put the short ribbon into place and sew the ends to the parcel.

Tie the long ribbon into place.



These patterns are free and offered for personal and charity use only. Patterns can only be used commercially with the permission of the designer.

© Lesley Arnold-Hopkins, 2009