Not My Problem

a Multi-generational UU Service

“Not My Problem”


“Any Road” by George Harrison


Story Leader (SL): Have you ever heard anyone say “It’s Not My Problem?” This is a teaching story from Thailand that has been adapted especially for this service. It is the story of a snobby queen who ignores the problems around her for whenever something happens she simply says out loud “it’s not my problem.” To help us with the story we are asking that everyone here say out loud “It’s not my problem!” when the Story Leader points to you. Let’s practice that now.

Before we begin, we will have a brief welcome and announcements.

*Welcome and Announcements

*Chalice Lighting

“A Fire In The Universe” by Shawn Trapp

Our chalice reminds us of the fire within ourselves is the same fire that illuminates the Universe. It is our reminder that all is connected even though the space of the void is vast, and our experience here is but a blip in the cosmic timeline.

This flame is our promise that in our smallness and our short time on this Earth, that we live intently and deeply, with love for one another, with honesty and integrity, to be guided by rational thought and critical thinking, and with a sense of shared responsibility—for as the late astronomer Carl Sagan reminded us, this pale blue dot is the only home we’ve ever known.

Story, Part 1

SL: Once upon a time, a queen sat on her balcony eating rice cakes and honey with her chief advisor. As they ate, they gazed down at the busy street below#. The Queen pointed to something in the distance, and as she did a drop of honey from her rice cake landed on the balcony railing.

"My Queen, you have spilled a drop of honey," observed the advisor. "Shall I call a servant to come and clean it up?”

* But the queen laughed and said, "A little drop of honey… IS NOT MY PROBLEM.


#1025 “When Will The Fighting Cease?”

Story, Part 2

SL: The Queen went on eating and talking as the drop of honey that fell from her rice cake warmed in the sun and began to slowly drip down the side of the railing of the balcony until it landed in the street below with a plop!

"Your Highness," the Queen’s advisor said, "that drop of honey has now fallen into the street, where it is attracting a swarm of flies#.  Shouldn't we call a servant to come and clean it up?"

But again the queen yawned lazily and replied, "A little drop of honey and a swarm of flies… IS NOT MY PROBLEM.

Joys and Concerns


“Circle Of Our Love” by Paul R.Beedle

Spirit of Life and Love, Justice and Peace, 

The spectacle of foolish pride is ever before us in these times. Indeed, pride has seldom looked so foolish in our lifetimes. So many people in positions of public trust and responsibility have lost their authority and our confidence spectacularly. And still they persist in their pride. They lie. They brag. They evade. They lecture. And they seem not to know that this makes matters worse.

The example of the humble is also before us. Indeed, humility has seldom looked so wise. So many people in positions of public trust and responsibility, who otherwise would not attract our notice, have gained authority and our confidence by unspectacularly acting with honor. They persist in seeking truth, being accountable,  stepping up to their duties with courage, asking the right questions. And without centering themselves, they seem to know that this matters. Seldom has the contrast between foolish pride and honest humility been set so clearly before us.

Come what may, O Spirit of Life, May we own enough humility that we never need be humbled. May we own enough compassion that we are never tempted to humiliate. May we own enough forgiveness that neither the humbled nor the humiliators – who are all so much more – are ever outside the circle of our love.

In the Spirit, by the Spirit, with the Spirit giving power, so may it be. Amen.

Story Part 3

Suddenly a lizard darted out from underneath the palace wall and began to catch the flies on her tongue.# Next a cat sprang from the baker's shop and began to bat the lizard back and forth like a toy.# Just then a dog charged out from the butcher's shop and began to bark at the cat.#

"Your Highness, " the advisor implored, now the flies have attracted a lizard, which attracted a cat, which is now being barked at by a dog. Shouldn't we call someone to stop the fight?"

But the Queen only stretched, and shook her head at her advisor, "Won't you relax. A silly animal fight… IS NOT MY PROBLEM.”

Reverse Homily

Members of the congregation will be asked the following questions:

What is happening in this story?

What do you think of the queen’s attitude?

What do you think will happen?

What do you think is the moral of the story?

What do you think we should learn from this story?

Story, Part 4

The baker and the cook entered the scene and tried to break up the animals but they only managed to argue with each other.# At the sound of all the yelling people from the street came in to see what was going on and soon more and more people began yelling at each other. # The bickering went out into the streets until it seemed as if the whole town was involved. Fearing for the safety of his queen, the advisor urged his queen to climb a rope down from the balcony. The queen was visibly upset as she scurried away. Her advisor turned to her and said, “should we not get the royal guards here to try and keep the peace.” The queen kept running but managed to say a bunch of rude noisy people…  IS NOT MY PROBLEM.”

Offertory and Music

Story, Part 5

Later the screaming had calmed down# and people had gone home but the streets were a mess. The queen and her advisor came back to where her balcony had once been and observed the disheveled scene. As the queen looked over the land she noticed a small puddle at her feet. "It's honey," she said, remembering. "I guess I should have cleaned up that drop of honey in the first place. Now, my whole kingdom has been lost because of it." That was the last day that the queen ever saiD… IT’S NOT MY PROBLEM!


Final Hymn

Benediction (extinguish the chalice)

Each problem is a problem of the world. Let us go forth and hold the world’s worries in our hearts. Let us go forth and have the courage to offer help when help is needed. Let us go forth and have the humility to ask for what we truly need. Each problem is a problem of the world and none can be solved without the work of love.

Until we meet again, Amen, Ase, and Blessed Be.


I imagine having several planning meetings that include youth members and asking them how they would like to participate rather than giving assignments. 

The sections marked with an asterisk (*) can be done by someone who has previously volunteered. This should be done by people from different generations. These sections could also be original writings from those who wish to lead them instead of the provided texts. 

All the members of the congregation are asked to call out IS NOT MY PROBLEM when cued.

The youth or volunteers can form a small group on the side who will make sound effects during the story in sections marked with #.

The Reverse Homily is a chance for the congregation to offer insight about the story. The minister should try to steer the conversation toward that kind of reflection over the moral of the story.

The Reflection is a brief chance for the minister to review and encapsulate the meaning of the story for the community.