Earth Circle

The Earth Circle is an alternative form of worship first introduced in my book: The Emergence of God. 

It is based on celebrating the two solstices, the two equinoxes, and the four days between those days. 

In addition, the life cycle of all human beings is honored as are various rites of passage.

 It is a service meant to be open to people of all faiths.

Earth Circle Order of Service

Beltane 2023


Gathered here in the mystery of the hour.

Gathered here in one strong body.

Gathered here in the struggle and the power.

Spirit draw near.


Winds of change have turned the star wheel. Summer is upon us.

Seasons come and go as we share the stories of our lives unfolding.

Winds of change have turned the star wheel. Summer is upon us.

Sing and rejoice. Sing and rejoice.

Summer is here, let us all sing and rejoice.

Come into silence, come into peace.

Come into gratitude and let all anger cease.

Claim sacred ground, seek what you seek.

Open your heart and let it speak.


Go now in peace, go now in peace.

May the light of love surround you everywhere,

Everywhere you may go.

Earth Circle Annual Worship Calendar