15 Vertigo Treatments to Finally Cure Your Dizziness

What is vertigo?

It’s the feeling of false movement—as if the world is spinning like a carnival ride and you can’t get off.

It is a symptom of many conditions and diseases that target the inner ear, according to the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD). They include:

    • benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)

    • Ménière’s disease

    • ear infections

Other conditions that can cause vertigo involve the central nervous system. These include:

    • multiple sclerosis

    • concussion

    • alcohol or medication toxicity

    • stroke

    • viral meningitis

The vertigo treatment that’s right for you will likely depend on the root cause of your condition.”An accurate diagnosis is essential, especially to rule out central nervous system causes. Diagnosis most commonly includes an MRI of the brain. Audiology tests of the workings of the ear can also be helpful,” says neurologist, Arif Dalvi, MD, MBA, of Palm Beach Neuroscience Institute. Here’s what neurologists want you to know about what causes vertigo.

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