12 Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Any Weight Loss Plan

Why breakfast matters

You’ve heard that breakfast is “the most important meal of the day,” but not all of us enjoy eating it. Some folks simply can’t stomach a meal after they’ve just rolled out of bed, while others are sick of the foods deemed acceptable to eat before 11 a.m. But here’s the thing: A healthy morning meal can do a great deal of good when it comes to helping you reach your flat belly goals.

“Several scientific studies suggest people who eat a nutrient-packed breakfast have more slim-down success,” says Chicago-based dietitian Christine M. Palumbo, RDN, a fellow of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “One school of thought is that breakfast jump-starts the metabolism, and that effect continues throughout the day.” In one small Obesity Society study, research participants who consumed the bulk of the day’s calories at breakfast lost more weight and more fat around their midsection than folks who ate small breakfasts and large dinners. Just be sure to avoid foods that slow down your metabolism.

Eating breakfast may also improve your overall health. Research from 2018 in The Journal of Physiology, involving 49 lean and obese adults, suggests that regularly eating a morning meal may lower type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular risk, whereas skipping breakfast has been associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis, or clogging of arteries that can lead to kidney or heart disease.

To help you fall in love with breakfast, we’ve hunted down nutritionist-recommended healthy breakfast ideas that will make your mouth water—no matter which weight loss plan you’re following. And as always, beware of these 17 healthy breakfast mistakes you might make this morning.

The post 12 Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Any Weight Loss Plan appeared first on The Healthy.
