12 Unexpected Triggers of Epileptic Seizures to Know About

Understanding epilepsy

Epilepsy is probably one of the most well-known neurological disorders. It happens when the electrical signals in the brain are disturbed, leading to seizures. Most people associate the word epilepsy with tonic-clonic seizures, which used to be called grand mal seizures. They can cause a person to collapse, lose consciousness, and convulse on the ground. However, there are literally dozens of different types of seizures and conditions that cause them, including some in which the person is fully aware of what’s happening, and may only experience twitching around the eyes or other relatively subtle symptoms. You can learn more about the early signs of a seizure here.

And just as there are many types of seizures, there are dozens of different triggers that can bring them on. The most common triggers are missing doses of anti-seizure medications (in people who have been previously diagnosed) and a lack of sleep, but there are more unique triggers that could bring on a seizure in patients.

The post 12 Unexpected Triggers of Epileptic Seizures to Know About appeared first on The Healthy.
