2. Presentations at scientific meetings

Barré K., Lara M., Julliard R., Kerbiriou C. 2017. L’équivalence entre mesures compensatoires agroécologiques de projets éoliens : support d’objectivation face à la difficulté d’application de la séquence ERC. Colloque éviter réduire compenser, Montpellier 3 march 2017. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11440.76805

Barré K., Chiron F., Julliard R. Kerbiriou C. 2017. Effects of tillage and herbicide intensification on wheat crops attractiveness for bats: a comparison of three conventional and one organic farming systems. Ecology and Agriculture Summit for Young Scientists (EASYs), March 2017. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21507.09769

Azam C., Le Viol I., Pauwels J., Laforge A., Bas Y., Vernet A., Julien JF., Kerbiriou C. 2016. Mitigating the impacts of light pollution on bats in France: a multi-scale issue. EUROBATS Symposium on light pollution, November 25, 2016, Berlin, Allemagne.

Claireau F., Puechmaille S.J., Allegrini B., Heurtebise C., Machon N., Kerbiriou C. 2016. Bats and roads: use of existing gantries for the restoration of ecological connectivity. International Conference on Ecological Sciences (ICES), October 24-28, 2016, Marseille, France.

Barré K., Le Viol I., Julliard R. & Kerbiriou C 2016. Where implant wind turbines and their offset measures in a farming landscape to mitigate the negative impacts of the establishment on bats? International Conference on Ecological Sciences (ICES), October 24-28, 2016, Marseille, France.

Azam C., Kerbiriou C., Bas Y., Julien JF., Pauwels J., Le Viol I. 2016. Landscape-scale effects of light pollution on bat activity and occurrence: How can we enhance dark refuge and ecological corridors in human-impacted.landscapes? 4th International Conference of Artificial Light At Night, September 27, 2016, Kluj-Napocca, Roumanie.

Claireau F., Puechmaille S.J., Allegrini B., Heurtebise C., Machon N., Kerbiriou C. 2016. Bats and roads: use of existing gantries for the restoration of ecological connectivity. Infra Eco Network Europe (IENE), August, 2016, Lyon, France.

Azam C., Kerbiriou C., Bas Y., Julien JF., Pauwels J., Le Viol I. 2016. Landscape-scale effects of light pollution on bat activity and occurrence. 17th International Bat Research Conference, 4th August 2016, Durban, Afrique du Sud.

Pauwels J., Le Viol I., Laforge A., Coulon A., Julien JF., Valet N., Azam C., Bas Yves, Kerbiriou C. 2016. Dark corridors : accounting for light pollution in connectivity modelling for urban bats. 17th International Bat Research Conference, August 4, 2016, Durban, Afrique du Sud.

Bas Y., Kerbiriou C., Jeliazkov A., Le Viol I., Julien J-F. Large-scale decline of bats and bush-crickets revealed thanks to automatic acoustic monitoring scheme. 27th International congress for conservation biology. 27th International congress for conservation biology, August 2-6, 2015, Montpellier, France.

Bas Y., Kerbiriou C., Jeliazkov A., Le Viol I., Julien J-F. 2015. Large-scale decline of bats and bush-crickets revealed thanks to automatic acoustic monitoring scheme. Congrès Ecolo Tech', 2015, Montpellier, France.

Bas Y., Kerbiriou C., Jeliazkov A., Le Viol I., Julien J-F. 2015. Large-scale decline of bats and bush-crickets revealed thanks to automatic acoustic monitoring scheme. 2nd European Alpine Bat Detector Workshop, 2015, Lans-en-Vercors, France.

Manneville V., Amiaud B., Michel N., Kerbiriou C., Julien JF. 2015. Les infrastructures agroécologiques des zones d’élevage ont une place essentielle dans le maintien de la biodiversitéordinaire. 22ème Congrès international francophone Rencontres Recherches Ruminants 2 & 3 Décembre Paris, France

Azam C., Le Viol I., Julien J.F, Kerbiriou C. 2015. The use of a French citizen database to analyze the effect of artificial light at night on bats communities at different landscape scales3nd Artificial Light at Night Conference, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada

Lacoeuilhe A., Machon N., Julien J-F., Kerbiriou C., 2015. The effects of the characteristics of hedgerows on Chiroptera and Orthoptera communities: What is the relevant spatial scale to detect them? 27th International congress for conservation biology. 2nd-6th August 2015, Montpellier, France

Bas Y., Kerbiriou C., Jeliazkov A., Le Viol I., Julien J-F. 2015. Large-scale decline of bats and bush-crickets revealed thanks to automatic acoustic monitoring scheme. 27th International congress for conservation biology. 2nd-6th August 2015, Montpellier, France

Julien J.F., Haquart A., Kerbiriou C., Bas Y., Robert A., Loïs G., 2014. Eight years of acoustic bat monitoring in France: increasing sampling efficiency while commonest species’ activity is decreasing. XIIIth European Bat Research Symposium 1st – 5th September 2014 Ńibenik, Croatia

Azam C., Kerbiriou C., Vernet A., Julien J.F., Maratrat J., Le Viol., 2014. Is turning off streetlights in the middle of the night effective for bats? 2nd Artificial Light at Night Conference. University Leicaster UK

Regnery, B., Couvet, D., Quétier, F., Levrel, H., Kerbiriou, C., 2014. Offsets and biodiversity conservation in France: limits and perspectives. Colloque du Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management ("CIEEM Spring Conference"), Birmingham, Angleterre.

Lacoeuilhe, A., Machon, N., Julien, J.-F., Le Bocq A. & Kerbiriou, C. 2013. Effects of light pollution on bat communities in a semi-natural landscape. International ecological congress (INTECOL) of the British Ecological Society. Symposium, Londres, Royaume Uni.

Gasc A., Julien J.F.,Lois G., Penone C., Le viol I. Kerbiriou C. 2013. What scale for what species to investigate the effect of habitat on bat activity? XVI International Bat Research Conference, San Jose, Costa Rica.

Lagrange H., Rico P., Bas Y., Ughetto A.L., Melki F., Kerbiriou C. 2013. Mitigating Bat Fatalities from Wind-power Plants through Targeted Curtailment: Results from 4 Years of Testing of CHIROTECH. XVI International Bat Research Conference, San Jose, Costa Rica.

Marmet J., Julien J.F., Lois G., Druesne R., Kerbiriou C. 2013. Current Trends in French Bat Populations Highlighted by Ancient Banding Data. XVI International Bat Research Conference, San Jose, Costa Rica.

Penone C., Julien J.F., Kerbiriou C., Le Viol I. 2013. Use of Large-scale Acoustic Monitoring to Detect Intraspecific Spatial Patterns. XVI International Bat Research Conference, San Jose, Costa Rica.

Regnery, B., Couvet, D., Kubarek, L., Julien, J-F., Ferreira, O., Cosson, E., Guyot, J., Kerbiriou, C., 2013. Le rôle indicateur des micro-habitats d'arbre et leurs implications dans la gestion écologique des forêts. Colloque FORGECO (programme ANR Systerra), Grenoble.

Regnery, B., Couvet, D., Kerbiriou, C., 2012. Mesures compensatoires et conservation des espèces protégées en France. Colloque "Le Réveil du Dodo IV", Dijon.

Regnery, B., Couvet, D., Kerbiriou, C., 2012. Offset measures and infrastructures: the conservation of protected species under the EU Birds and Habitats Directives. Colloque "European Congress of Conservation Biology", Glasgow.

Regnery, B., Quétier, F., Burylo, M., Couvet, D., Julliard, R., Kerbiriou, C., 2012. Quelles échelles spatiales pour l'évaluation des mesures compensatoires des projets d'aménagements ? Colloque "Réseau d'Echanges et de Valorisation en Ecologie de la Restauration", Lyon.

Kerbiriou C., Marmet J., Lemaire M., Arthur L., Robert A., Lois G., Julien J.F. 2011 current trends in french bats population highlighted by heterogeneous old data. 25th International Congress for Conservation Biology, Symposium "Climate Change Case Studies: Using Historic Data to Predict Future Responses", chairman : Toni Lyn Morelli, December 2011, New Zealand [invited speaker]

Kerbiriou C., Deguines N., Edelist C., Fontaine B., Gourmand A.L., Jiguet F., Julien J.F., Julliard R., Legrand M., Machon N., Porcher E. Turcati L. & Couvet D 2011. Taxonomic approaches to monitor biodiversity changes in the wider countryside: the French experience of a participatory network in a large country....without participatory tradition. BioSystematics, Symposium: “Digital identification Methods in the Digital Age – Morphological and Molecular, Computer aided and Fully Automated, Research and Citizen Science”, chairman: Gregor Hagedorn, Régine Vignes Lebbe. Février 2011, Berlin, Allemagne[invited speaker]

Kerbiriou, C., Le Viol, I., Robert, A., Porcher, E., Gourmelon, G. & Julliard, E. 2010. Tourism in protected areas can threaten wild populations: from individual response to population viability of the chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax. British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, 7 - 9 September, Leeds University, U.K. [invited speaker]

Kerbiriou, C., Bas, Y. Dufrêne, L. Robert, A. & Julien J.F. 2010. Long term trends monitoring of bats, from biodiversity indicator production to species specialization assessment. Society for Conservation Biology - 24th Annual Meeting, 3 - 7 July, 2010, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Kerbiriou, C. & Julien J.F. 2010. Mesures de gestion suite au suivi des espèces communes : Retombées locales du suivi nationale des chauves-souris. Congrès des Conservatoires d'Espaces Naturels du 4 au 7 novembre 2010 Montpellier, France.

Sarrazin F., Kerbiriou, C. & Colas, B. 2010. Defining and sharing success criteria for single-species reintroduction 7th European Conference on Ecological Restoration 23-27 Août 2010 Avignon, France.

Le Viol, I. & Kerbiriou C. 2010. Measuring the restoration process: the mean species trait approach. 7th European Conference on Ecological Restoration 23-27 Août 2010 Avignon, France.

Julien JF., Lois G., Kerbiriou C., Bas Y., Dufrene L., Lemaire M. & Arthur L. 2010. Anthropogenic impacts on bat communities: demography and biotic homogenization. 15th International Bat Research Conference 23-27 August, Prague, République Tchèque.

Chateil C., Goldringer I., Tarallo L., Kerbiriou C., Leviol I., Ponge J.F., Salmon S., Gachet S. & Porcher E. 2009. The benefits of crop genetic diversity for in-field specific diversity. Communication orale. 2nd European Congress of Conservation Biology, 2-5 septembre 2009 Prague République Tchèque.

Kerbiriou C., Rouan M., Dupont H. & Gourmelon F. 2009. Utilisation d'un Système Multi-Agents pour l'aide à la gestion de la biodiversité dans un contexte d'aires protégées et de profonds changements d'usages. Journées francophones des Sciences de la Conservation de la Biodiversité, le réveil du Dodo, 17-19 mars, Montpellier, France.

Kerbiriou C., Bas Y. & Julien J.F. 2009. Les réseaux d'observateurs au cœur des observatoires de biodiversité: contraintes et enjeux. suivi national des chauves-souris communes. Journées francophones des Sciences de la Conservation de la Biodiversité, 17-19 mars, Montpellier, France.

Bas Y., Kerbiriou C., Julien J.F. & Jiguet F. 2009. Comment concilier conservation de la biodiversité et exploitation forestière ? Impact des pratiques sylvicoles sur trois groupes taxonomiques indicateurs : oiseaux, chiroptères et orthoptères. Journées francophones des Sciences de la Conservation de la Biodiversité, le réveil du Dodo, 17-19 mars, Montpellier, France.

Kerbiriou C., Julien J.F., Bas Y. & Da Costa C. 2008. A common grasshopper survey in France ? XIIth Invertebrate sound and vibration meeting, Tours, France, October 27-30.

Kerbiriou C., Julien J.F., Robert A., Deguines N. & Gasc A. 2008. From long-term trends in the monitoring of bats, to their habitat preferences. XIth European Bat Research Symposium, 18-22 August, Cluj Napoca, Romania

Le Viol I., Kerbiriou C. & Julliard R. 2008. Evaluation of habitat restoration: Assessing the consequence of rat eradication on biodiversity in a Natura 2000 area. 6th European conference on ecological Restoration, 8-12 September, Ghent, Belgium

Kerbiriou C., Rouan M., Levrel H, Le Viol I., Dupont H. & Etienne M. 2008. Use of a Multi Agent System for management planning of a rare and threatened population of bird in a multi protected area undergoing drastic land use change. 21st Annual Meeting of Society for Conservation Biology, Port 1-5 July, Elizabeth, South Africa.

Levrel H., Julliard R. & Kerbiriou C. 2007. Co-construction of data on the commons: the Vigie-Nature example, 3rd Living Knowledge Conference, 30 august-1er September, Paris, France.

Gourmelon F., Rouan M., Kerbiriou C., Bioret F., Chlous-Ducharme F., Guermeur Y., Levrel H., Charles M. & Etienne M. 2006. La friche en question : élément de prospective environnementale dans une réserve de biosphère. Interaction Nature-Société, analyse et modèle, La Baule, France.

Kerbiriou C., Julliard R. & Le Viol I., Gourmelon F. 2002. Tourism Impact on an endangered coastal chough population. 16th Congress of Conservation Biology, 14th-19 July, University of Kent, U.K.