
Grant Keady

I'm an aging semi-retired mathematician, now based in Perth.

I have, or had, associations with two universities in Perth, Western Australia - UWA (University of Western Australia) and Curtin. (From 2020, just Curtin.)

(I also have joint papers with colleagues who were at Murdoch, and with one who is at Edith Cowan, and have translated code Java to Matlab of a colleague now at Edith Cowan.)

My first degree - in Maths, and completed 1967 - was from UWA.

I also chose to accept Hackett and Gledden Scholarships from UWA to support me while doing a PhD at Cambridge (declining CSIRO and Commonwealth Scholarship offers as these had conditions, e.g. returning to Australia, that, at the time, I did not want to agree to).

See under 1970 at http://www.web.uwa.edu.au/university/history/hackett#y1961-1970

I was employed in the Maths Department of UWA between 1 Jan 1974 and 31 Dec 2010.

UWA chose to shed lots of older staff from its (admittedly overstaffed) Maths Department in 2010, and tax rules associated with the redundancy I felt forced to accept, meant that I had to wait until 2013 before returning to UWA.

* As from 1 Jan 2011 I have had an Adjunct position and sessional teaching at Curtin University.

I'm active with collaborative research, etc. with colleagues at UWA and at Curtin.

* My return to UWA began in March 2013 , unpaid, with work at UWA's Centre for Water Research and continued at CWR until its closure in June 2015.

(Australian Tax Office rules associated with redundancies did not allow me to work, even unpaid, at UWA, for the 2 years 2011-12.)

While I'm more interested in maintaining and using my maths and computing skills than earning money, I am interested in the latter too when it uses my skills. In connection with consulting work, I would prefer (even with the loss of money from the overheads) to send that through University Departments' Consulting Groups.

Click here to see

I have a ResearcherID up at my publications page.

I've also listed some interests at ResearchGate and at LinkedIn.

Some of my recent preprints are at arXiv.

Curtin-Maths: See under the publications link above.

2011-13: 1-defective 2-colourings of triangle-free graphs.

2016- : flows in microchannels, Robin b.c.s; elastic torsion problem.

Although I no longer lecture undergrads, I continue to (tutor, supervise computer lab work, and to) be involved with various Computer Aided Assessment systems.

There is a bit of variety in my efforts. Patchy records associated with those in 2013 (before joining CWR) and starting again in 2016 (after CWR's closure), including enquiries are at the files: uwaAssociation, curtinAssociation


Authorship statement

A determined attempt has been made to ensure that the author of materials on this site is G.Keady unless explicit statements to the contrary are given.

This page maintained by GK.