Where's everyone?


"Where's everyone?" Is a shared services location.

Simply , this is a feature that are displayed on a map the location of other people.

Something like this, where there are other people, icons and nickname will be displayed bikes.

When I went touring groups such as people tend to slow progressive album (exactly one), but

You can use the service, where to find the the antecessor you can follow with confidence.

Also, the wait, or how late? To understand that, you can rest slowly.

Android App TouringNavigation available from.

Of course, free.


Press the Menu button.

In the "Where's everyone?" Tap.

(Icon image depends on the model)

Then the following screen will appear.

This screen is to enter a keyword and a nickname.

Nickname and Icon, when others saw the name that appears in your position.

Keyword matching people is displayed on map.

Please enter keywords in your group.

If other groups have the same keyword, the group also displayed.

Nickname and keyword is optional.

After entering through a "Yes" button to start the service.

Shortly after starting, others will appear as follows.

"Where's everyone?" When you are running a dark red background is an analog clock.

Currently, I employ three runners that they running around the Japanese Imperial Palace.

Please enter the keyword "test" and look around the Japanese Imperial Palace.

Please try.

To share your location, please always prepared to capture the GPS location of my.

Not to have captured his position has become to be seen as sources of information to others.

The location updates are now done in three minutes.

However, depending on how the server load may change this interval.

To maintain the server, it takes money.

Please click on the ads burner.

Number of users can view up to 50 people at a time.

End of service

From the menu again, "Where's everyone?" Tap.

Then the Exit confirmation dialog box appears as follows: "Yes" please tap.

Then, 12 hours after launch and will also be closed automatically.

It is important to remember to exit the service, what did you do to prevent discharge location all the time.


Absolutely do not want others to know your location! What is more Please do not use this service.

Uploaded to the server information is below.

  • Location and Locale

  • Nickname

  • Keywords

  • Disposable auto-generated random ID

Does not see an application, also remain on the server access log.

Also, "employ three runners" is a joke, is actually just a dummy run the program.

As you can see from this, even though the screen is, whether there is someone running a really

Know. I hope you note this point.


It is also good to use in groups, for example, when you go to touring Hokkaido

Keyword "hokkaidou" I decided, Twitter, etc. Once you have spread,

Riders among strangers, I think I enjoy running anywhere but to understand.

Also, some people, but I go by a variety of reasons to go to Hokkaido,

Look at this, you may enjoy the feeling with a virtual running.

The application itself, but I could help a little but the more pleasure of touring ,

Thought that I made.

Enjoy, thank!