
The Kankakee Municipal Band is interested in recruiting outstanding musicians from the Kankakee area. Per board policy, the conductor selects all performers in the band while the elected board selects which performers become voting members of the group.

Musicians interested in joining the band must play an audition.

Past performers who are classified as "regulars" do NOT need to re-audition.

The band performs a weekly series of ten summer music concerts. The band rehearses on Tuesday evenings and performs on Thursday evenings. Performers must attend the rehearsals in order to perform. Musicians receive an honorarium for their services.

Because the band plays a new concert program each week, qualified musicians must be excellent sight-readers. They must be available on Tuesday and Thursday evenings during the summer. They are eager to perform on their instrument and look forward to preparing quality musical performances.

Auditions are held at the Larsen Fine Arts Center at Olivet Nazarene University. Musicians must perform a prepared selection which should display the musician's tone quality, expression, and range. Musicians will also be asked to perform two major scales from memory. A sight-reading test will also be conducted. The conductor and band officers will evaluate the auditions.

We have no anticipated openings at this time. We will take auditions for all instruments. Please stay tuned for updates on when auditions will take place.