
The University of Texas at Tyler

PHYS 1101 - College Physics I Laboratory  / PHYS 1102 - College Physics II Laboratory

CHEM 1111 - General Chemistry I Laboratory

CHEM 3153 - Physical Chemistry I Laboratory / CHEM 3155 - Physical Chemistry II Laboratory

CHEM 5350 - Quantum Mechanics

Duke Kunshan University

CHEM 110 Integrated Science Chemistry (seven week, five lecture hours per week, first year student course)  (link to .pdf lecture notes on GitHub)

MATSCI 201 Fundamentals of Materials Science

MATSCI 202 Mathematical Methods for Materials Science

CHEM 301 Elements of Physical Chemistry

PHYS 402 Solid State and Soft Matter Physics

MINITERM The Science and Art of Fractals (one week exploratory course) (link to .pdf lecture notes and sample python codes on GitHub)

MINITERM Applications of machine learning in physics and chemistry