Static Structure Factor S(q) or S(k)

Reference: K. Zhang, On the Concept of Static Structure Factor, arXiv:1606.03610 (2016) (link)

see code at

Also check a more comprehensive review on this topic

Unifying the concepts of scattering and structure factor in ordered and disordered samples (link), Dingning Li and Kai Zhang, J. Appl. Cryst. 54, 644-660 (2021)

and source code for it

LJ system

Lammps input script is here

configuration snapshots are stored in "" in xyz format

C code to calculate g(r) gr.c , which generates "gr.dat"

C code to calculate S(q) sq.c , which calculates S(q) with two methods as bellow.


After being complied (with executive file e.g. sq), the "sq.c" code can be run in command line as


Some parameters need to be input in the window.

NumberOfParticles // total number N of particles in the system

L // simulation box size, assuming cubic shape. This is used to define wavevector increment dk=2 pi/L, and may allow to be scaled by fluctuating box size (not implemented in the current version)

NumberOfrBins // number of r-bins in the file "gr.dat" containing the radial distribution function g(r)

NumberOfqBins // number of q-bins in S(q) used in the discrete numerical integration of the Fourier transform

qmax // the maximum q value for S(q) in the Fourier transform method

NumberOfConfig // total number of configurations in your xyz movie file. put 1 if you have only one snapshot

NumberOfEqui // number of configurations considered as equilibration and to be skipped in your xyz movie file. put 0 if the sampling starts from the first snapshot

nkbound // number of k vectors in each direction (constrained by the allowed size of the data structure). So in total nkbound^3 wavevectors

dkmultiplier // put 1 if you want the increment dk to be 2 pi / L. Otherwise, it is dk = 2 pi / L * dkmultiplier


Method 1. Fourier transform of g(r)

comment: Not defined at k=0. Also should not apply to crystals. Oscillation of S(k) for k<k* is due to oscillation of g(r) about 1 at r>r*.

Method 2. Direct calculation with Fourier density correlation.

comment: S(k) -> N as k->0, due to finite size and periodic boundary condition, where N is the total number of particles. S(k) scales with N at peak k's for crystals. The noise of the data can be reduced by choosing smaller increment dk (e.g. using larger box size L in the input)

1. rho = 0.8 at T = 2.0, liquid

first peak at r*=1.06 (2pi/r*=5.93) main peak at k*=6.77 (2pi/k*=0.928)

2. rho = 0.1 at T = 2.0, gas

first peak at r*=1.13 (2pi/r*=5.56) main peak at k*=6.16 (2pi/k*=1.02)

3. Hard sphere at rho -> 0.0

first peak at r*=1.0 (2pi/r*=6.28) main peak at k*=5.81 (2pi/k*=1.08)

4. rho = 1.2 at T = 0.8, fcc solid

first peak at r*=1.05 (2pi/r*=5.98) main peak at k*=7.3 (2pi/k*=0.86), other peaks: 8.4, 11.9,13.95...

peak ratio versus k*: 1.15=2/sqrt(3), 1.63=2sqrt(2)/ sqrt(3), 1.91...

5. rho = 1.2 at T = 0.8, hcp solid (non-cubic box with length 10.5628:18.2953:17.2489 = 1: sqrt(3):sqrt(8/3))

Peaks for perfect hcp lattice of particle distance 1.05628

k S(k) ratio planes

6.868645 399.993588

7.285296 1333.333301 1 hexagonal planes: 2pi/(1.05628*sqrt(2/3))

7.774776 545.457442

10.012675 249.995986

11.896840 1142.857091 1.633

12.907294 260.870938

13.737265 1000.031944 1.8856

13.950283 888.888827

14.212029 260.866758

14.570634 3999.999610 2

15.549552 181.823985

16.108429 999.983872 2.211

17.553717 272.724325

18.172708 249.995959

18.534191 214.286824

18.810574 3999.999430 2.582

19.578645 153.843663

20.025380 1000.031846

6. rho = 1.2, perfect bcc solid

first peak at r*=1.029 (2pi/r*=6.11) main peak at k*=7.49 (2pi/k*= 0.84), other peaks: 10.6, 12.98, 14.99...

peak ratio versus k*: 1.415=sqrt(2), 1.732=sqrt(3), 2 ...