
Pseudo-rhombicuboctahedron: 26 faced coal compound stamp (煤精组印) of Grand General Dugu Xin (独孤信, AD 504-557), who has too many titles to be held on a regular stamp. Three of his daughters became queens of three emperors. Ancient China

Packing of balloons in a cylindrical column in front of the Teachers College, Columbia University. Reference: Fu, Lin, et al. "Assembly of hard spheres in a cylinder: a computational and experimental study." Soft Matter 13.18 (2017): 3296-3306.

Series expansion on a 3D cubic lattice for solving the Ising model (haven't checked the number of edges and vertices to meet the condition though). New York city hall park

Evolutionary view in Ancient China? A bronze Fish Cup, before 500BC, Baoji Bronze Museum, Shaanxi, China

Truncated octahedron: a 14 faced table game dice in the Kingdom of Qi (齐国) during the warring states period (2300 years ago). Ancient China

Cannon balls in a face-centered cubic (FCC) packing at Castillo San Felipe del Morro, San Juan, Puerto Rico

A plaster model of the Gibbs thermodynamic surface E(V,S) made by Maxwell and sent to Gibbs as a gift at Department of Physics, Yale University

Packing of spheroids. M&M'S World at NYC

Truncated octahedron. Chicago riverwalk playground and handbag