

#interactive mode

gnuplot> load "plot"

#change working directory under interactive mode

gnuplot> cd "./Fig/"

#batch mode

gnuplot plot


can not open X11 window from remote server? do -X during ssh:

ssh -X user@host

set term post eps enh # set ouput format

set output "filename.eps" # set output file name

set size 0.7,0.7

set origin 0,0

set border -1 lw 0.5 # set number and thickness of the figure frames

set pointsize 1.0

set multiplot

set key samplen X #default is 4

set key spacing X #default is 1.25

set key top left

set size 0.7, 0.7

set origin 0,0.0

#set format y "%.1f"

#set format y2 "%.1f"

#set tmargin 10

set label '{/Symbol \341}2{/Symbol \361}' at 2.6,-3.45

set label '(a)' at 4.02,-3.18 rotate by 90

set log xy # double log scale

set tics scale 0.5 # change tics length

set xlabel "X"

set xrange[2.2:4.2]

set xtics 2.2,0.4,4.4

set mxtics 2

set arrow from 1,0 to 1,3 lc 1 lt 1 lw 2 nohead

set yrange[-3.5:-2.7]

set ylabel 'Y1'

set ytics -2.8,-0.2,-3.4

set mytics 2

set ytics nomirror # do not show ytics on the right axis

set ytics ("10^{-3}" 0.001, "" 0.002, "" 0.003, "" 0.004, "10^{-2}" 0.01)

set x2range[2.2:4.2]

set y2range[-2.65:-0.85]

set y2label 'Y2'

set y2tics -1,-0.5,-2.5

set my2tics 2

plot 'data' us 1:2 title 'curve 1' with lines lt 10 lw 0.5,\

'data' us 1:2 notitle with points pt 1 ps 1,\

'data' us 1:2 notitle smooth csplines lt 1 lw 1,\

'data' us 1:2 notitle smooth bezier lt 1 lw 1,\

'data' us 1:3 notitle with lines lt 10 lw 0.5 axes x2y2

# make a second plot as inset

set size 0.2,0.2

set origin 0.01,0.02

#unset tmargin

unset xlabel

unset xtics

unset ylabel

unset y2label

unset ytics

unset y2tics

unset label

unset key

set format x "" # do not show x tics

set key 0.5,0.5

set yrange[-1:1]

plot 'data2' us 1:2 notitle with lines lt 1 lw 0.5

#pause -1 "Hit return to continue"

set key {on|off} {default} {{inside | outside} | {lmargin | rmargin | tmargin | bmargin} | {at <position>}} {left | right | center} {top | bottom | center} {vertical | horizontal} {Left | Right} {{no}reverse} {{no}invert} {samplen <sample_length>} {spacing <vertical_spacing>} {width <width_increment>} {height <height_increment>} {{no}autotitle {columnheader}} {title "<text>"} {{no}enhanced} {{no}box { {linestyle | ls <line_style>} | {linetype | lt <line_type>} {linewidth | lw <line_width>}}} unset key show key

bin = 0.1;

plot 'data.dat' u (bin*(floor($2/bin))):(1.0) smo freq

#plot data from two columns? First combine two files row by row.

paste x_data.dat y_data.dat > xy_data.dat

#color convention

set colorsequence default|podo|classic