International Economics 2015

The course introduces the principles of international economics to learn how to evaluate and conduct economic analysis of issues relating to international movements of scarce resources. The first half of the course deals with the microeconomic issues of international trade; The second half focuses on issues of international finance and macroeconomics. The aim of this course is to provide basic tools and viewpoints with you to do a thesis, and therefore I will deal with the applications of them to Okinawan economy.

syllabus (pdf)

The textbook for this course is:

  • P.R. Krugman, M. Obstfeld and M.J. Melitz (2014) International Economics: Theory & Policy (10th ed.), Pearson Education.


(It'll require passwords to open pdf files, so you should attend the first lecture.)

  1. resume 1: Gravity, comparative advantages.
  2. resume 2: NTT, home market effect.
  3. resume 3: SNA, arbitrage, trilemma
  4. resume 4: Monetary approach in an NK model
  5. resume 5: NNTT
  6. resume 6: Lucas paradox