1946 RCA 630TS TV Final Assembly Page

Part 4

Time to put it all together!

Reassembly of this set was not that easy. The chassis is very heavy (around 50-55 pounds). The CRT must be installed with the chassis installed into the front of the cabinet. Next I need to adjust the cabinet securing brackets to the CRT so that the neck of the CRT is around the center of the yoke and focus coil on the chassis. When I reinstall the wooden escutcheon I need to determine if the CRT view area is centered behind the escutcheon, which may require readjusting the cabinet secure brackets several times. When all that is done, knobs installed, back installed and safety glass put back in front of escutcheon and CRT, then I can do final adjustments.


Everything ready to go back together!
1. Install Channel Plate first:
2. Install the 50 pound chassis into cabinet:
Found out that the chassis mounting holes under the cabinet did not align very well with the chassis. Had get out the Dremel(TM) rotary tool and grind a away a corner of the chassis stop block to make a good fit.
3. Install the Picture Tube:
Go back to 1946, The RCA 630TS was delivered to you. It comes in two boxes. One for the cabinet and chassis a box for the CRT. An authorized RCA technician would come to your home and install and set up you new television.
Remove the screws that support the safety glass and CRT bezel.
While holding CRT Face always support the neck of the CRT. Install straight in carefully not rubbing against the Yoke or Focus Coil.
Adjust the CRT cabinet support brackets to make sure CRT is not to one side of the yoke and focus coil but centered. The CRT must be flushed with the cabinet.
5. Put the safety glass, wooden bezel, knobs and back on:
6. Made a few coarse adjustments on the rear panel remove the top to adjust the screen position adjusting the yoke.
FINAL ADJUSTMENTS:Although the picture looks pretty good, if I watched for a while I will see some nonlinear spots. Decided to give it a professional adjustment. This involve, checking the picture tube alignment, adjusting the yoke and focus coils and with a pattern generator adjusting the linearity, centering, width and height controls. When a person bought a 630TS, the authorized RCA technician would come to the home, assemble the TV and make these adjustments.Picture Tube Alignment: Initially, the CRT neck needs to be as close to center of the focus coil as possible. A look at the CRT bell coating making contact with the 2 ground return spring on both sides of the yoke assembly is a good indicator. If either or both of these ground springs do not make contact with the CRT, the CRT is not centered. The purpose of the springs is to discharge the static buildup on the CRT bell.
CRT bell ground return spring.

Manual adj to center the CRT
Inserted rolled paper at bottom of CRT to secure the height and adjust the cabinet CRT secure levers.
1. Adjusting the Focus Coil:
Shown below is the YOKE and FOCUS COIL assembly before CRT installation.
Pattern Generator Setup:
Set to view H and V lines making a rectangle to check linearity and height. Ideally all rectangles should be the same size.
Procedure: Carefully loosen the end ones will allow you to center the pattern on the CRT. Hand tighten to secure position and then loosen the center to allow coil to rotate on axis of center wingnut. This allows focusing. Try to get the entire screen to have the same focus level as sharp as possible. Hand tighten to secure position. Ready to put back CRT bezel and safety glass.
Focus Coil- There are 3 wingnuts. 2 at the coil ends and 1 at the center.
Making Focus Coil Adjustments.
Test pattern after some Focus coil adjustments
Adjusting rear panel controls after CRT bezel and safety glass reinstalled.

Want to see the Final Assy and Checkout again?
Watch my video >>>>>>>>


1946 RCA 630TS Reassembly and Final Adjustments.mp4

Finally Assembly Completed

November 19, 2017

As displayed in a living room >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The Lone Ranger (1950) What people watched when this television was in service.
Full screen transmission like it was in 1946. Big Bang Theory being shown. Rectangular frame around the round CRT tube loses some picture.


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