Software for Social Services & Health

Smart Software for Ageing, Social Services & Health

Digital Enhanced Living and Smart home technologies

We have a large project working with a start-up looking into various aspects of "smart home" technologies, especially for better supporting healthy aging. We recently received funding for a large ARC Industrial Transformation Research Hub on Digital Enhanced Living with 12 companies and 9 University partners.

Representative Funding

  • July 2017-June 2022: ARC Industry Transformation Research Hub for Digital Enhanced Living, IH170100013, Grundy Lead CI and Hub Director + other 39 other CIs and PIs, $2,950,000 ARC $ and $2,400,000 Industry $ over 5 years.

  • Jan 2016-Dec 2017: Unisono Pty Ltd, Digital Enhanced Living, Kon Mouzakis, Rajesh Vasa, Niroshinie Fernando, Mohamed Abdelrazek, Svetha Venkatesh, Dinh Phung, John Grundy.

Representative publications

  • Grundy, J.C., Mouzakis, K., Vasa, R., Cain, A., Curumsing, M., Abdelrazek, M., Fernando, N., Supporting Diverse Challenges of Ageing with Digital Enhanced Living Solutions, Telehealth for our Ageing Society, M.E.L. van den Berg and A.J. Maeder (Eds), IOS Press, 2018. -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Lam, L., Tang, A., Grundy, J.C. Predicting Indoor Spatial Movement Using Data Mining and Movement Patterns, IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (IEEE BigComp 2017), Jeju, Korea, February 13-16, 2017, IEEE CS Press. -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Singha, R., Narula, A., Grundy, J.C. Parametric Statecharts: Designing Flexible IoT Apps, 2017 Australiasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2017), Jan 30-Feb 3 2017, Geelong, Australia, ACM Press. -- Final publication available at DOI ACM Author pre-published version PDF

Social Services Software Requirements Project

Social Services agencies use a wide range of software systems to manage caseloads, maintain records, deliver services to clients and for inter-agency communication. Software is increasingly moving towards a components based model where organisations can nominate which available applications and tools are useful to them to build a custom system for their agency. In the health domain, trials of service based applications, e.g. a personal care planner, have shown promising results in enhancing service delivery as well as increasing the range of services able to be accessed by consumers. We are interested in discovering how such concepts could be applied to social services and what new tools and technologies would be useful in this regard.

Advantages to agencies who employ effective software and technological advances to their work include improved continuity of care, especially with mobile populations, enhanced accountability practices, increased transparency with clients, faster information sharing between organisations, increased access to services for clients who may otherwise have difficulty accessing these for a variety of reasons and clients are able to take a more active role in their own progress and care plans. Workers can also reduce the time involved in administration tasks.

We have conducted a survey of social services agency software and technoloy usage in Australia.

We have interviewed selected, representative agency staff to further identify software and technology usage, requirements and potential interest in a range of future software solutions.

We have identified some potential future software solutions for the social services area.

Representative publications

  • Grundy, J.R. and Grundy, J.C. A Survey of Australian Human Services Agency Software Usage, Journal of Technology in Human Services, vol 31, no 1, Taylor & Francis, 2013. PDF DOI

  • Grundy, J.R. and Grundy, J.C., Australian Social Services Agency Software: Requirements, Current Usage and Opportunities, Technical Report, Faculty of ICT, Swinburne University of Technology, August 2011. PDF

Care Plan Software for Health

We have developed an approach to engineering software to support proactive, client-driven "care plans" for personal health management. This initially focused on chronic disease management but was then extended to other health management activities. The concept is for a health professional to model generic care plans for a particular domain e.g. obesity management, weight loss, diabetes management, improve fitness etc; a health professional tailors the plan for a specific patient; a designer models a mobile application suitable for the patient to use on their Smartphone; and an application is generated. Initial overview of the work and some papers can be found Here.

We would like to extend this work to target other mobile platforms; develop a set of care plans; trial with clinicians and end-user patients; and improve support for both patient and clinician. We would be very interested to work with companies providing health domain software; health boards; health providers. Please contact Prof. John Grundy if interested.

Representative publications

  • Khambati, A., Warren, J., Grundy, J., and Hosking, J. Care Planning Systems for Consumer Engagement in Chronic Disease Management, Electronic Journal of Health Informatics, vol 4, no. 1, 2009. PDF

  • Abizer Khambati, John Grundy, John Hosking, and Jim Warren, Model-driven Development of Mobile Personal Health Care Applications, In Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, L'Aquilla, Italy, 15-19 September 2008, IEEE CS Press. PDF

Mobile and Web-based Health applications

We explored various uses of mobile apps and connected apps for health applications.

Representative publications

  • Petrovski, A. and Grundy, J. Web-enabling an integrated health informatics system, In Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Object-oriented Information Systems, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science. PDF PPT

  • Grundy, J.C. and Zhou, W. AUIT: Adaptable User Interface Technology, with Extended Java Server Pages, In Cross-Platform and Multi-device User Interfaces, Wiley, 2003.PDF

  • Khambati, A., Warren, J., Grundy, J., and Hosking, J. Care Planning Systems for Consumer Engagement in Chronic Disease Management, Electronic Journal of Health Informatics, vol 4, no. 1, 2009. PDF

Health Systems Integration

Much of this work was done with Orion Health in New Zealand.

Representative publications

  • Grundy, J.C., Mugridge, W.B., Hosking, J.G. and Kendal, P. Generating EDI Message Translations from Visual Specifications, In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, San Diego, 26-29 Nov 2001, IEEE CS Press, pp. 35-42 PDF PPT

  • Mugridge, W., Grundy, J.C.., Hosking, J., Bryant, D., Supporting information mapping in Health Informatics via integrated message transformation, In Proceedings of the 2002 Health Informatics New Zealand Conference, 8-10 August 2002, Auckland, New Zealand. PDF

  • Grundy, J.C, Hosking, J.G., Amor, R., Mugridge, W.B., Li, M. Domain-specific visual languages for specifying and generating data mapping system, Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, vol. 15, no. 3-4, June-August 2004, Elsevier, pp 243-263. PDF