Computing Education

Computing Education

I have been interested in Computing Education since becoming an educator myself. Much of my teaching has been focused around "project based learning" - specifically team project courses. I continue to be interested in how to form teams; how to manage teams; how teams can self-help when in difficulties; how to foster realistic projects for students; and understanding how teams work in both educational setting and industrial practice settings. I have also become interested in personality impacts on different aspects of software engineering e.g. pair programming and testing, as well as e.g. design and requirements. I have begun to conduct some educational research around requirements engineering and design practices and the use of Open Learner Models and ePortfolios to help support better formative assessment and student engagement. Most recently I have been convening the final year BE(SE) software engineering research project unit where small teams work on supervised research projects. We even have a number of papers published resulting from these projects.

I was very grateful to be awarded the 2014 IEEE Technical Council on Software Engineering Distinguished Educator Award.

Personality Impact

  • Sallah, N., Mendes, E., Grundy, J.C. Investigating the effects of personality traits on pair programming in a higher education setting through a family of experiments, Empirical Software Engineering, vol. 19, no. 3, Springer, 2014, pp. 714-752. PDF

  • Kanij, T., Merkel, R., Grundy, J.C. An Empirical Investigation of Personality Traits of Software Testers, 6th ICSE Workshop on Collaborative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE 2015), Florence, Italy, May 18 2015. PDF

  • Kanij, T., Merkel, R., and Grundy, J.C., An Empirical Study of the Effects of Personality on Software Testing, 2013 International Conference on Software Engineering – Education and Training (CSEET2013), San Francisco, USA, May 19-21, 2013, IEEE CS Press. PDF

  • Kaniji, T., Merkel, R. and Grundy, J.C. Assessing the Performance of Software Testers, in 3rd ICSE workshop on Collaborative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering, Zurich, Switzerland, 2nd June 2012. PDF

  • Sallah, N., Mendes, E., and Grundy, J.C. Empirical Studies of Pair Programming for CS/SE Teaching in Higher Education: A Systematic Literature Review, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 37 no. 4, July/August 2011, IEEE Press, pp. 509-525. PDF DOI

  • Salleh, N. Mendes, E., Grundy, J.C. and Burch, G., The Effects of Openness to Experience on Pair Programming in a Higher Education Context, Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEET2011), May 22-24, 2011, Honolulu, Hawaii. PDF

  • Salleh, N. Mendes, E., Grundy, J.C. and Burch, G. An Empirical Study of the Effects of Conscientiousness in Pair Programming using the Five-Factor Personality Model, In Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2010), Education Track, Cape Town, South Africa, 2-8 May 2010, ACM Press PDF DOI

  • Salleh, N. Mendes, E., Grundy, J.C. and Burch, G. The Effects of Neuroticism on Pair Programming: An Empirical Study in the Higher Education Context, In Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Empirical Software Engineering (ESEM 2010), Itlay, 16-17 Sept 2010, IEEE CS Press. PDF

  • Salleh, N. Mendes, E., Grundy, J.C. and Burch, G. An Empirical Study of the Effects of Personality in Pair Programming using the Five-Factor Model, In Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM 2009), Florida, USA, Oct 15-16 2009.PDF

Team Projects / Practices

  • Kamalrudin, M., Sidek, S., Salleh, N., Hosking, J.G., and Grundy, J.C., A Pair-Oriented Requirements Engineering Approach for Analysing Multi-lingual Requirements, In 1st Asia-Pacific International Conference on Requirements Engineering (APRES 2014), Auckland, New Zealand, April 28-29 2014, Springer. PDF

  • Grundy, J.C. Teaching Information Systems by simulations: issues and experience, Journal of Informatics - Education and Research, vol. 4, no. 1, Spring 2002, IAIM Press, pp. 47-58. PDF

  • Grundy, J.C. Comparative Analysis of Design Principles for Project-based IT Courses, in Proceedings of the 2nd Australasian Conference on Computer Science Education, Melbourne, Australia, 1997, ACM Press, pp. 170-177. , PDF

Course Design / Assessment

  • Cain, A., Grundy, J.C, Woodward, C. Focusing on learning through constructive alignment with task-oriented portfolio assessment, to appear in European Journal of Engineering Education. -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Grundy, J.C. A Graduate Course on E-commerce Information Systems Engineering, Journal of Informatics Education and Research, IAIM Press, Vol. 2, No. 2. PDF

  • Grundy, J.C. Integrating software architecture topics into a software engineering curriculum, In Proceedings of the 1999 Australasian Workshop on Software Architecture, Sydney,Australia Nov 1999. PDF

Tools to support Education

  • J. Renzella, A. Cummaudo, A. Cain, John C. Grundy, J. Meyers, SplashKit: A Development Framework for Motivating and Engaging Students in Introductory Programming, 2018 IEEE Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE), 4-7 December 2018, Wollongong, Australia PDF

  • Law, C-Y., Grundy, J.C., Cain, A., Vasa, R., Cummaudo, A., User Perceptions of Using an Open Learner Model Visualisation Tool for Facilitating Self-regulated Learning, 2017 Australiasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2017), Jan 30-Feb 3 2017, Geelong, Australia, ACM Press. PDF

  • Law, C.Y., Grundy, J.C., Cain, A., Vasa, R., A Preliminary Study of Open Learner Model Representation Formats to Support Formative Assessment, 2015 IEEE Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC2015), Taichung, Taiwan, July 1-5, 2015., IEEE. PDF

Pandemic teaching experiences

  • Kanij, T., Grundy, J.C. Adapting Teaching of a Software Engineering Service Course due to COVID-19, 32nd IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering Education & Training (CSEE&T 2020), Munich, Germany, November 9-12, 2020. PDF