
John Grundy's Genealogy Links

I became interested in my family history after a major medical issue cropped up. This led me to researching where it might have been inherited from, and more generally, where I was from. My family have been in New Zealand for many generations (starting before 1840) but before that were from Cheshire, Suffolk, Devon, Cornwall, Middlesex, Manchester, Durham, and several other English counties. But I also have great-, great-great or great-great-great grandparents from the Shetland Islands (many with Norse ancestry), Scotland, Ireland and Wales.

Genealogy Software

  • For the most powerful, accurate GEDCOM merging that I have found - WinTree. Pay the $15 - its worth it!!!

  • I have been using the Ancestry Family Tree Maker software most recently. Integration w Ancestry is pretty good but I find merging not nearly so good as the MH FamilyTreeBuilder...

  • I like the MyHeritage Family Tree Builder editor & interface for day to day use - Family Tree Builder. The free one is fine, but get the Premium version if you can.

  • I like the Ancestry on-line tree viewer / editor for web-based viewing / editing. Its a bit tricky to then merge with things done elsewhere - unless you use WinTree!

  • I have used the WikiTree wikimedia-based editor a bit. This is OK though rather harder to use than Ancestry's web-based client or the desktop Family Tree Builder.

  • Of course - Cyndi's List has a bunch of other recommendations you could look at...

Auckland Cemetary records / maps:

Useful New Zealand Genealogy sites:

Other useful sites:

Shetland Island Genealogy