Human-centric Software Engineering

Human-centric Software Engineering

Visit my HumaniSE lab site here:

I have always been very interested in various "human" aspects of software engineering. These include but are certainly not limited to e.g.

  • Ways to diversify software teams

  • Impact of end user human aspects on software engineering and the impact of developer human aspects on software engineering

  • Personality impact e.g. for pair programming and testing

  • Impact of team climate on software teams

  • Usability especially usability defect reporting

  • Performance appraisal and SE tasks

  • Human-centric modelling tools

  • Proactive help for modellers/designers/engineers e.g. design critics

  • Human-centric requirements engineering

  • Incorporating more human aspects into requirements and design e.g. emotions

  • Project management especially human aspects

Human aspects in Software Engineering

  • Grundy, J.C., Muller, I., Madugalla, A., Khalajzadeh, H., Obie, H., McIntosh, J., Kanij, T., Addressing the Influence of End User Human Aspects on Software Engineering, Chapter 11 in Ali R., Kaindl H., Maciaszek L.A. (eds) Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering, Volume 1556 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, April 2022 -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Khalajzadeh, H., Shahin, M., Obie, H., Grundy, J.C., How are Diverse End-user Human-centric Issues Discussed on GitHub?, 44th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering - Software Engineering in Society track, Pittsburgh, USA, 21-29 May 2022 -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • M. Fazzini, H. Khalajzadeh, O. Haggag, Z. Li, H. Obie, C. Arora, W. Hussain, J. Grundy, Characterizing Human Aspects in Reviews of COVID-19 Apps, 9th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems 2022 (MobileSoft 2022), May 2022, Pittsburg, USA. -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Grundy, J.C. Impact of End User Human Aspects on Software Engineering, Keynote address, 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE2021), online, 26-27 April, 2021 -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF Talk slides PPT

  • Obie, H., Hussein, W., Xia, X., Grundy, J.C., Li, L., Turhan, B., Whittle, J. and Shahin, M., A First Look at Human Values-Violation in App Reviews, 2021 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering, online 23-29 May 2021, IEEE -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Mathews., C., Ye, K., Grozdanovski, J., Marinelli, M., Zhong, K.,Khalajzadeh, H., Obie, H. and Grundy, J.C., AH-CID: A Tool to Automatically Detect Human-Centric Issues in App Reviews, 16th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT2021), July 6-8 2021, online. -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

Personality Impact

  • Kanij, T., Merkel, R., Grundy, J.C. An Empirical Investigation of Personality Traits of Software Testers, 6th ICSE Workshop on Collaborative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE 2015), Florence, Italy, May 18 2015. -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Sallah, N., Mendes, E., Grundy, J.C. Investigating the effects of personality traits on pair programming in a higher education setting through a family of experiments, Empirical Software Engineering, vol. 19, no. 3, Springer, 2014, pp. 714-752. -- Final publication is available from DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Kanij, T., Merkel, R., and Grundy, J.C., An Empirical Study of the Effects of Personality on Software Testing, 2013 International Conference on Software Engineering – Education and Training (CSEET2013), San Francisco, USA, May 19-21, 2013, IEEE CS Press. -- Author pre-published version PDF Published version DOI Presentation PPT

  • Sallah, N., Mendes, E., and Grundy, J.C. Empirical Studies of Pair Programming for CS/SE Teaching in Higher Education: A Systematic Literature Review, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 37 no. 4, July/August 2011, IEEE Press, pp. 509-525. -- Author pre-published version PDF The final publication is available at DOI

Usability/Human-centric defect reporting

  • Huynh, K., Benarivo, J., Xuan, C.D., Sharma, G.G., Kang, J., Grundy, J.C., Madugalla, A., Improving Human-Centric Software Defect Evaluation, Reporting, and Fixing, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC2021), July 12-16 2021, online. -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Yusop, N.S.M., Grundy, J.C., Vasa, R. Reporting Usability Defects: A Systematic Literature Review, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 43, no. 9, 2017, pp. 848-867 -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Yusop, N.S.M., Grundy, J.C., Vasa, R., Schneider, J.-G. Analysis of the Textual Content of Mined Open Source Usability Defect Reports, 2017 Asia-Pacific Conference on Software Engineeering (APSEC2017), 4-8 December 2017, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, IEEE CS Press. -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Yusop, N.S.M., Grundy, J.C., Vasa, R. Reporting Usability Defects - Do reporters Report What Software Developers Need?, 20th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE2016), Limerick, Ireland, 1-3 June 2016, ACM Press. -- Final publication available at DOI or ACM Author pre-published version PDF

Performance Appraisal and Tasks

  • Kanij, T., Merkel, R., Grundy, J.C. Performance Appraisal of Software Testers, Information and Software Technology, Elsevier, vol. 56, no. 5, May 2014, Pages 495–505. -- Published version DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Kaniji, T., Merkel, R. and Grundy, J.C. Assessing the Performance of Software Testers, in 3rd ICSE workshop on Collaborative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering, Zurich, Switzerland, 2nd June 2012. -- The final publication is available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Kanij, T., Merkel, R. and Grundy, J.C. A Preliminary Survey of Factors Affecting Software Testers, 2014 Australasian Conference on Software Engineering (ASWEC 2014), Sydney, Australia, April 2014, IEEE CS Press. -- Published version DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Kanij, T., Merkel, R. and Grundy, J.C., An Empirical Study to Review and Revise Job Responsibilities of Software Testers, 2014 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, Melbourne, Australia, July 27-1 Aug 2014, IEEE CPS. -- Published version DOI Author pre-published version PDF Presentation PPT

Diversifying Software Teams

  • Kanij, T., Grundy, J.C., McIntosh, J., Sarma, A., Aniruddha, G. A New Approach Towards Ensuring Gender Inclusive SE Job Advertisements, 44th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering - Software Engineering in Society track, Pittsburgh, USA, 21-29 May 2022 -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

Team Climate / Agile

  • Soomro, A.B., Salleh, N., Mendes, E., Grundy, J.C., Burch, G., Nordin, A., The Effect of Software Engineers’ Personality traits on Team Climate and Performance: a Systematic Literature Review, Information and Software Technology, vol 73, Elsevier, pp 52-65. -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Grundy, J.C., Architecture vs Agile: competition or co-operation? Foreword to Agile Software Architecture: Aligning Agile Processes and Software Architecture, Elsevier, December 2013. -- Published book here Author pre-published version PDF

  • Hoda, R., Salleh, N., Grundy, J.C., Tee, H.M., Systematic literature reviews in agile software development:a tertiary study, Information and Software Technology, vol. 85, May 2017, pp. 60–70. -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

Human-centric Requirements Engineering

  • Nguyen, H., Grundy, J.C. and Almorsy, M. Ontology-based Automated Support for Goal-Use case Model Analysis, Software Quality Journal, September 2016, Volume 24, No 3, pp 635-673, Springer. -- Final publication available at DOI Tool Downloads Author pre-published version PDF

  • Nguyen, H., Grundy, J.C. and Almorsy, M. Rule-based Extraction of Goal-Use Case Models from Text, 10th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE/ESEC 2015), Bergamo, Italy, August 31 – September 4, 2015, ACM Press. -- Final publication available at DOI or ACM Tool Downloads Presentation PPT Author pre-published version PDF

  • Kamalrudin, M., Hosking, J.G, and Grundy, J.C. Improving requirements quality using essential use case interaction patterns, In Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Software engineering (ICSE 2011), Hawaii, USA, May 21-28 2011. Author pre-published version PDF Final publication available at DOI

  • Kamalrudin, M., Grundy, J.C., Hosking, J.G., MaramaAIC: Tool Support for Consistency Management and Validation of Requirements, Automated Software Engineering, Springer, 2017, vol 24, no 1, pp. 1-45. -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

Human-centric Modelling Tools [ There are A LOT of these - a few selected! ]

  • Khalajzadeh, H., Simmons, A., Abdelrazek, M., Grundy, J.C., Hosking, J.G., He, Q., An End-to-End Model-based Approach to Support Big Data Analytics Development, Journal of Computer Languages, Volume 58, June 2020, Elsevier. -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Avazpour, I., Grundy, J.C., Vu, H. Generating Reusable Visual Notations using Model Transformation, International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 25, No. 2 (2015) pp. 1–29. -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Li, L, Grundy, J.C., Hosking, J.G. A visual language and environment for enterprise system modelling and automation, Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, vol. 25, no. 4, April 2014, Elsevier, pp. 253-277 -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Panas, T., Berrigan, R. and Grundy, J.C. A 3D Business Metaphor for Program Visualization, In Proceedings of the 2003 Conference on Information Visualisation, London, 16-18 July 2003, IEEE CS Press. --Published version DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Kot, B. Wenche, B., Hosking, J.G., Grundy, J.C. Information Visualisation Utilising 3D Computer Game Engines, In Proceedings of CHINZ2005, Auckland, New Zealand, July 6-8, 2005. --Published version DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Blagojevic, R., Plimmer, B., Grundy, J.C. and Wang, Y., Using data mining for digital ink recognition: Dividing text and shapes in sketched diagrams, Computers & Graphics, vol. 35, no. 5, Oct 2011, Elsevier, 976-991. -- Author pre-published version PDF The final publication is available at DOI

  • Grundy, J.C., Hosking, J.G., Cao, S., Zhao, D., Zhu, N., Tempero, E. and Stoeckle, H. Experiences developing architectures for realising thin-client diagram editing tools, Software – Practice and Experience, vol. 37, no.12, Wiley, October 2007, pp. 1245-1283. --Published DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Chen, Q., Grundy, J.C., and Hosking, J.G. SUMLOW: Early Design-Stage Sketching of UML Diagrams on an E-whiteboard, Software – Practice and Experience, vol. 38 , no. 9, Wiley, July 2008, pp. 961-994. --Published DOI Author pre-published version PDF

Design Critics

  • Ali, N.M., Hosking, J.G., Grundy, J.C., A Taxonomy and Mapping of Computer-based Critiquing Tools, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 39, no. 11, November 2013, pp. 1494-1520. -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Ali, N. Md., Hosking, J.G. and Grundy, J.C. End-User Oriented Critic Specification for Domain-Specific Visual Language Tools, In Proceedings of the 25thIEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, Antwerp, Belgium, 20-24 Sept 2010, ACM Press. --- Author pre-published version PDF ACM Version PDF The final publication is available at DOI

  • Ali, N., Hosking, J.G., Huh, J. and Grundy, J.C. Template-based Critic Authoring for Domain-Specific Visual Language Tools, In Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, Cornwallis, Oregon, USA, Sept 20-24 2009, IEEE CS Press. -- Published version DOI Author pre-published version PDF

Better Supporting Diverse End Users of Software

  • Wyman, J., Vu, M., Grundy, J.C. Evaluation of An Augmented Reality Approach to Better Understanding Diverse End User Web Site Usage Challenges, 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering, 25-26 April, online -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Bi, T., Xia, X., Lo, D.; Grundy, J.C.; Zimmermann, T., Ford, D., Accessibility in Software Practice: A Practitioner’s Perspective, to appear in ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology. -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Haggag, O., Grundy, J.C., Abdelrazek, M., Haggag, S., Better Addressing Diverse Accessibility Issues in Emerging Apps: A Case Study using COVID-19 Apps, 9th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems 2022 (MobileSoft 2022), May 2022, Pittsburg, USA. -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Luy, C., Law, J., Ho, L., Matheson, R., Cai, T., Madugalla, A., Grundy, J.C., A Toolkit for Building Adaptive User Interfaces for Vision-impaired Users, 2021 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-centric Computing (VLHCC2021), 10-13 October, St Louis, USA -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

Human aspects in requirements and design

  • Singh, H., Khalajzadeh, H., Paktinat, S., Graetsch, U.M. Grundy, J.C. Modelling Human-Centric Aspects of End-Users with iStar, Journal of Computer Languages, Volume 68, February 2022, Elsevier -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Ahmad, K., Bano, M., Abdelrazek, M., Arora C., Grundy, J.C. What’s up with Requirements Engineering for Artificial Intelligence Systems? 29th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE2021), 20-24 Sept 2021, South Bend, USA -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Hidellaarachchi, D., Grundy, J.C., Hoda, R., Madampe, K., The Effects of Human Aspects on the Requirements Engineering Process: A Systematic Literature Review, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF Summary poster PDF

  • Jim, A.Y., Shim, H., Wang, J., Wijaya, L.R., Xu, R. Khalajzadeh, H., Grundy, J.C., Kanij, T., Improving the Modelling of Human-Centric Aspects of Software Systems, 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE2021), online, 26-27 April, 2021 -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Grundy, J.C., Mouzakis, K., Vasa, R., Cain, A., Curumsing, M., Abdelrazek, M., Fernando, N., Supporting Diverse Challenges of Ageing with Digital Enhanced Living Solutions, Telehealth for our Ageing Society, M.E.L. van den Berg and A.J. Maeder (Eds), IOS Press, 2018. -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

Project Management / Process Enactment / Knowledge Management

  • Su, M.T., Hosking, J.G., Grundy, J.C., Tempero, E., Usage-based Chunking of Software Architecture Information to Assist Information Finding, Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 122, December 2016, Pages 215–238. -- Final publication available at DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Hirsch, C., Hosking, J.G. and Grundy, J.C. VikiBuilder: end-user specification and generation of Visual Wikis, In Proceedings of the 25th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, Antwerp, Belgium, 20-24 Sept 2010, ACM Press. -- Author pre-published version PDF ACM Version PDF The final publication is available at DOIHirsch, C., Hosking, J.G. and Grundy, J.C. The Visual Wiki: A New Metaphor for Knowledge Access and Management, Knowledge Management Tools, Technologies, Mashups, and Design Approaches Minitrack, 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 2009, IEEE CS Press. (Best paper award) -- Published version DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Grundy, J.C. Visual specification and monitoring of software agents in decentralised process-centred environments, International Journal on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 4., August 1999, World Scientific Publishing Company, pp. 425-444. --Published version DOI Author pre-published version PDF

  • Grundy, J.C., Hosking, J.G., Mugridge, W.B., Apperley, M.D. A decentralised architecture for software process modelling and enactment, IEEE Internet Computing: Special Issue on Software Engineering via the Internet, Vol. 2, No. 5, September/October 1998, IEEE CS Press, pp. 53-62. DOI PDF