Vol. 8(1)

    1. Maruyama, H.: A New Species of the Genus Cryptoperla (Plecoptera, Peltoperlidae) from Japan.

      1. Smetana, A.: On Some Species of the Genus Quedius Stephens, 1829 from Hokkaidô, Japan (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Staphylinini, Quediina).

    2. Li, L-Z. and M-J. Zhao: Description of a New Species of Genus Tachinus (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) from East China.

    3. Maruyama, M. and H. Sugaya: A New Species of Tetrasticta (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae) from Japan and Taiwan.

    4. Ishikawa, T.: A New Saicine Species of Panagrocoris (Heteroptera: Reduviidae) from Thailand.

    5. Sorin, M. and B. K. Agarwala: A New Species of the Genus Greenidea (Hemiptera, Aphididae) from Japan.

    6. Niisato, T. and N. Ohbayashi: Rediscovery of a Problematical Xylotrechus Clytine (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Northern Okinawa Island, Southwest Japan.

    7. Yoshitomi, H.: Two New Species of the Genus Cyphon (Coleoptera, Scirtidae) from China.

    8. Nagai, S.: A New Species and a New Record of the Dynastid Beetle from the Ryukyu Islands, Southwest Japan (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae).

    9. Takahashi, K.: Eight New Species of the Genus Podabrus (Coleoptera, Cantharidae) Mainly from Eastern Honshu, Japan.

    10. Hoshina, H., S.-J. Park and K.-J. Ahn: New Record of the Genus and Species, Besuchetionella nipponica, from Korea (Coleoptera: Leiodidae).

    11. Tanaka, K.: Studies on the Pupal Mosquitoes of Japan (5). Four Subspecies of Aedes (Finlaya) japonicus Theobald, Including Subsp. shintienensis from Taiwan (Diptera, Culicidae).

    12. Hayashi. M. and S. Miyamoto: Discovery of Rhagadotarsus kraepelini (Heteroptera, Gerridae) from Japan.

    13. Terayama, M., Z.-F. Xu and J.-H. He: Three New Species of the Genus Acrepyris Kieffer, 1905 (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) from China.

      1. Jeng, M.-L., Yang, P.-S. and M. Sato: Notes on the Morphology and Systematics of the Genus Pristolycus Gorham (Coleoptera, Lampyridae).

    1. Sato, S.: Notes on the Genus Iwawakia, with Description of a New Species from Central Japan (Coleoptera, Cleridae).

    2. Aoki, S., U. Kurosu, T. Partomihardjo, S. Kahono and P. O. Ngakan: Cerataphidini (Homoptera, Aphididae) from Sulawesi.

    3. Sakai, M.: The Genus Ernobius Thomson of Japan (Coleoptera, Anobiidae, Ernobiinae).