

冷凍山竹                    Frozen Mangosteen 

淨重 :500克/包         Net Weight : 500g/bag

產地 :泰國               Country Of Origin : Thailand 




★清甜甘香 口感柔軟

★汁多味美 帶點微酸

★泰國鮮凍進口 冷凍宅配到府


Thailand the Royal Queen - Queen of Fruits - Frozen Mangosteen

Mangosteen originated in Thailand and other Southeast Asian tropical countries, there are only May to August production season, called "aristocratic fruit yield no more than plus difficult to preserve, the price is more expensive, plus the mangosteen is rich in nutrients, contains antioxidants, folic acid, citric acid, vitamins and minerals, mangosteen fruit contains a lot of the xanthones ingredients and more than 40 kinds, as identified by the International Medical Research unit has stronger antioxidant than vitamin C and E effects, great health benefits, it is also known as the "fruit" mangosteen fruit pulp is sweet and sweet and fragrant taste is soft, juicy and delicious little sour in the hot summer months, cool antipyretic, suitable for the whole family consumption.

Fruit - Thailand Need mangosteen

★ Annually only May to August the season

★ Sweet Ganxiang texture soft

★ Juicy little sour

★ Thai fresh and frozen imported frozen home delivery to door

Imported from , full after hand-selected strictly controlled, high-tech quick-frozen packaging, flavor, color and nutrients intact, living in Taiwan will be able to best price, eat the most delicious seasonal fruit of Thailand !