Johnston-Halperin Research Group

Group Overview

Our experimental research program includes fundamental questions of condensed matter physics, the discovery and synthesis of new materials, and the intersection of these thrusts in the exploration of device-physics in new and emerging applications. Much of our current work is focused in the area of quantum information science and engineering (QISE) with an emphasis on spin and magnetically active materials and phenomena.

Our approach focuses on the emergent phenomena that appear at interfaces, both literal and metaphorical. On the literal side, we are exploring magnetism and spin transport at the interface between magnetically ordered or spin polarized materials and nonmagnetic metals and semiconductors. This physical interface gives rise to phenomena not present in homogeneous bulk systems ranging from traditional spin injection, to magnetic-resonance driven spin pumping, to spin-thermal effects such as the spin Seebeck effect.

Taking a more metaphorical view, we are also interested in the interface between Physics and Chemistry, in particular the study of magnetism and magnetic resonance in molecule-based magnetic materials. In one example, we are exploring an emerging class of metal-ligand coordination compounds that exhibit surprisingly high magnetic ordering temperatures (greater than 600 K) and extraordinarily narrow-linewidth (high quality factor, Q ~ 8,000) ferromagnetic resonances that rival the best inorganic materials (such as yttrium iron garnet, YIG). These high-Q resonances have potential applications in coherent and quantum magnonics ranging from microwave electronics, to magnonic crystals, to quantum information. 

In more recent developments, our group has pioneered a new approach to exploring tunneling through atomic quantum states (point defects in solids, small molecules, individual atoms) by embedding them in a tunnel junction built from 2D materials. These measurements have potential applications ranging from atomic/molecular characterization to quantum information.

For a general audience overview of the systems we work with and the questions we are interested in, here is a podcast from the College of Arts and Sciences where Prof. Johnston-Halperin discusses some of our recent work.

Our work is carried out within our experimental laboratory, in several world class user facilities located on OSU's campus, and through a network of national and international collaborators, including the Center for Molecular Transduction (a DOE EFRC) and the QuSTEAM education initiative. If you are interested in joining our research group, please feel free to contact Prof. Johnston-Halperin, one of our current students or postdocs, or any of our group alumni, to learn more about current opportunities. For some additional information about how we operate, you can find a discussion of our group goals and values here. Finally, potential students may also want to take a look at the PhD program within the Department of Physics or our APS and NSF sponsored MS to PhD Bridge Program.



Centers Used, Organization Participations

Nanotech West Lab