Measurement Capabilities


The list below includes a summary of the primary measurement techniques used by our group. Note that in addition to performing these experiments individually we have developed robust strategies for integrating two or more of these techniques simultaneously or with in situ sample transfer.

Time-resolved optics (1.2 - 300 K, 0 - 8 T, UV, VIS, near-IR):

  • TR magneto-optical Kerr effect (TRMOKE)
  • TR absorption
  • TR photoluminescence (PL)

Spectroscopy (1.2 - 300 K, 0 - 8 T, UV, VIS, near-IR)

DC Magnetotransport (1.2 - 300 K, 0 - 14 T)

Ferromagnetic resonance:

  • X-band (10 - 300 K)
  • Broad band (1.2 - 300 K, 1 - 20 GHz)

Optical trapping

  • Dual-beam
  • Position resolution: 0.1 - 1 nm
  • Force resolution: 0.1 - 100 pN