Kiss the Maiden All Forlorn

This episode aired April 13, 1962, having been filmed in March in Dallas and surrounding area. A millionaire Texas swindler and international fugitive named Charles Clayton risks all in an attempt to stop his daughter Bonnie from joining a convent in Dallas. He sneaks into the country from Mexico by floatplane, landing at Lake Dallas. His associates kidnap his daughter (along with Tod and Buz who were helping her) so Clayton can meet with her at a Dallas hotel. A morality battle ensues between taking (Clayton) and giving (Bonnie).

(Panels may be viewed larger at full-size)

Panel 1

Panel 2

Panel 3

Panel 4

Panel 5

Panel 6

Panel 7

Panel 8

Panel 9

Panel 10

Panel 11

Panel 12

Panel 13

Panel 14

Panel 15

Panel 16

The episode’s final pan (shown in Panels 15 and 16) encompasses a bit of history, It begins at a window of the Municipal Building, the building whose basement was the site of Oswald's killing by Jack Ruby (Ruby entered through a side of the building not seen in the pan).

Then-and-now superimposition, showing turn from Harwood onto Main.

The pan continues, bringing into view the White Plaza Hotel, opened in 1925 as the Hilton Hotel, it was the first hotel built from scratch by Conrad Hilton and the first to bear the Hilton chain name. It was at the corner of (North) Harwood and Main that the Kennedy limousine made its turn onto Main Street, in front of the White Plaza Hotel (currently operated as the Dallas Hotel Indigio).

The camera then pans from the hotel, across the front of the “Gold Ring” parking garage, to Commerce Street and the Staler-Hilton Hotel Dallas (where Robert Oswald checked in the weekend of the assassination). The hotels used the parking garage.