GREENSTEIN, Tony. Anti-racist Jewish British Labour activist falsely defamed as an “anti-Semite” for using the term "zio" and expelled from the pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-Apartheid British Labour Party.

Tony Greenstein ( anti-racist Jewish British Labour activist falsely defamed as an “anti-Semite” and expelled from the pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-Apartheid British Labour Party) (2018): “I am accused of ‘anti-Semitism for the same reason as thousands of people, including Jeremy Corbyn, Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein, Gerald Kaufman and Hannah Arendt have been so accused. Most of the targets of these accusations are themselves Jewish. This is an accusation made by Jewish racists (Zionists) against their anti-racist Jewish opponents. My only crime is that I oppose Zionism and the Apartheid State of Israel. I was targeted by the Jewish Labour movement because I'm Jewish and because I oppose the state of Israel and its discrimination against Palestinians. I'm an anti-Zionist, I'm opposed to all forms of anti-Semitism and all racism" (Oliver Milne, “Labour Party activist “with history of noxious behaviour” expelled for using offensive anti-Semitic term “zio””, Daily Mirror, 18 February 2018: ).

[Editor's note. Zionism is genocidal racism in awful explicit intent from genocidal psychopath Theodor Herzl in the 19th century to Benjamin Netanyahu in the 21st century (see Gideon Polya, “Zionist quotes reveal genocidal racism”, MWC News, 12 January 2018: and Gideon Polya, “Zionist quotes re racism and Palestinian Genocide”, Palestinian Genocide : ) and in appalling practice evidenced by the ongoing Palestinian Genocide (“Palestinian Genocide”: and Gideon Polya, “Apartheid Israel’s Palestinian Genocide & Australia’s Aboriginal Genocide compared”, Countercurrents, 20 February 2018: . The racist Zionists and all their supporters should be sidelined from public life as have been like racists such as the Nazis, neo-Nazis, Apartheiders and the Ku Klux Klan. Linguistics and politics purists might quibble, but "Zio", "Ziofascist", "Zionazi", "Nazi-style", "pro-Apartheid", "Apartheider"and "neo-Nazi" are quite reasonable for the racist Zionists and their Western supporters who are complicit in the following appalling and intentional crimes.

While the 7.0 million non-Palestinian Israelis have full human rights, the 1.8 million Palestinian Israelis are subject to Nazi-style race laws. Further, the 5 million Occupied Palestinians (50% children and 75% women and children) are excluded from all human tights specified by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and are highly abusively confined to the blockaded Gaza Concentration Camp (2 million) or to West Bank ghettoes (3 million) under Jewish Israeli military rule. In particular, Apartheid Israel determines that 72% of its presently 50% Indigenous Palestinian subjects are excluded from voting for the government ruling them i.e. egregious Apartheid that is condemned as a crime against Humanity by the UN and International law.

Anti-Semitism comes in 2 equally repugnant forms, (1) anti-Arab anti-Semitism against 14 million ethnically and culturally Semitic Palestinians , 300 million ethnically and culturally Semitic Arabs and 1,600 million largely culturally Semitic Muslims, and (2) anti-Jewish anti-Semitism against 17 million largely culturally Semitic Jews. US-backed Apartheid Israel is profoundly anti-Arab anti-Semitic through the invasion, occupation and ethnic cleansing of Arab Palestine (2.3 million Palestinian deaths from violence, 0.1 million, or from imposed deprivation, 2.2 million, since the British invasion of Palestine in WW1 versus 4,000 Zionist invader deaths at the hands of Palestinians) and through support for the endless US War on Muslims (32 million Muslim deaths in 20 countries invaded by the US Alliance since the US Government’s 9-11 false flag atrocity in which 3,000 were killed and may well have Apartheid Israel as well as the Zionist-subverted US Government). Apartheid Israel and its traitorous racist Zionist supporters around the world are profoundly anti-Jewish anti-Semitic by falsely conflating their immense crimes with all Jews, and falsely defaming anti-racist Jews who expose and oppose Apartheid Israeli and Zionist atrocities (“Palestinian Genocide”: ).

The comprehensively racist 2018 Jewish Nation-State Law of Apartheid Israel offensively and intolerably ignores the Indigenous Palestinians who are 50% of Israeli subjects and enshrines a special, dominant, race-based position for the Jewish Israelis who constitute a 47% minority of the subjects of Apartheid Israel. 5 million Occupied Palestinian subjects of Apartheid Israel are excluded from 90% of Palestine and from all Human Rights specified by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 7 million Exiled Palestinians are excluded from 100% of Palestine that was continuously inhabited by their forebears for thousands of years to the dawn of agrarian civilization. The world must act over Apartheid Israel as it did over Apartheid South Africa with Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all its racist supporters, notably pro-Apartheid America and pro-Apartheid Australia. With 90% of Palestine now ethnically cleansed of Indigenous Palestinians, the “2-state solution” is dead. A clear, humane solution to the continuing and deadly human rights catastrophe in Palestine is a unitary state (a “one state solution”) as in post-Apartheid South Africa that would involve return of all refugees, zero tolerance for racism, equal rights for all, all human rights for all, one-person-one-vote, justice, goodwill, reconciliation, airport-level security, nuclear weapons removal, internationally-guaranteed national security initially based on the present armed forces, and untrammelled access for all citizens to all of Palestine. It can and should happen tomorrow (see Gideon Polya, “Israeli Jewish Nation-State Law enshrines Apartheid and genocidal racism”, Countercurrents, 24 July 2018: ).]
