Planning Your Thesis or APP Timeline

Check the graduation paperwork deadlines set by the College of Graduate Studies and Research. Work backward from there. Expect several revisions before I give you approval to share the document with other committee members. In the schedules below, I have budgeted for four reviews of your work, followed by two rounds of committee reviews and revisions. If you cannot meet these deadlines then I cannot guarantee that you will graduate in the given semester.

Be honest and reasonable in your timeline. Don't forget that you have family, friends, and employers who need you, too. Budget time to spend with your partner and children, to go out with friends or take a weekend vacation. I want you to finish your paper, but I also want you to enjoy the experience and stay sane while you do it.

Use the timelines below as a guide. The timelines below suggest a plan to complete a thesis in about two semesters and an alternate plan paper in a little more than one semester. As you plan your timelines, carefully note the days and dates. Drafts for review should be send to me on Thursdays so that I can review them on Fridays.

The sample timelines below are not a guarantee. Your pace in writing and revising, your willingness to make all of the revisions that I have requested, events in your personal or professional life, classes you may be taking, and many other factors can affect your actual completion date. These timelines assume that your paper will require four revisions with me. If your paper requires more than four revisions then your graduation may be delayed.

Sample Spring Graduation Timeline

Sample Timelines for Capstone Experiences