The LinkedIn Super Book Blog

I found out thy blog service provider was discontinuing its email subscription service. What good is a blog if it doesn't self-distribute? I'm not going to distribute. Too time consuming. So, I asked around for a solution and got some interesting answers. One stood out and I'd like your opinion.


It seems that several of the authors use LinkedIn as a home-page/super-blog/network on steroids. LinkedIn is apparently the business equivalent of the social media FaceBook. I've been looking into it and doing some thinking. Here are some thoughts.


I have a homepage that maybe gets 10 views a year, six of them by me. Right now, my LinkedIn profile gets between 15 and 20 views a week. Sure, some of them are trying to sell me something, but I've also made some useful contacts on LinkedIn. I've never made a contact on my traditional home page. I just may drop it and use LinkedIn as my homepage.


Second, LinkedIn functions basically like a blog now. I post and my followers see. But, there's potential for huge network growth there if some people post a 'like' or a 'comment'. I have 180+ followers on my first-tier. I checked, my second-tier downline is 38,800. If I post and all of my first tier followers post a ‘like’ or a ‘comment’, 38, 000+ people potentially see my post. I find that potential interesting.

Here's the idea, only a few of my followers/following list are authors. I'll publish a couple of my posts a week. And I'll use some selected content from my followed authors to supplement my content and make it more interesting.

Here's the kicker. I'll ‘like’ or ‘comment on’ significant posts like book launchings, book contests won, podcast interviews, screenplays sold, etc. for my followers. My downline now becomes their downline expanding their visibility and adding to my content. I'm already known in my downline for promoting other authors almost as much as I promote myself. Now, when I have a significant event, like a book launch, contest win, big interview, etc., the authors that make up my inner core of followers will also (I hope) ‘like’ or 'comment' my significant post on LinkedIn to their downline thereby expanding my market exposure. It wouldn't be a lot of 'likes' for any one of my followers, but the market expansion might be really significant. 


I have only had one sale of my first book in two months. I posted a blurb about my first book a couple of weeks ago and got 48 likes. Coincidentally, I got three sales in the next week. Most of my posts are viewed more than 200 times.


One of the authors I follow does something very unique with each post. He tries to figure out who the market target might be for a given post. Now we're back to the networking aspect. He searches that market sector and forwards his post to some of the people he finds. With his art and travel memoir, he forwarded the post to a dozen travel agencies he found in LinkedIn. One forwarded the post to the locations chamber of commerce. They picked it and featured it in their newsletter.


If you're interested in joining us in this marketing concept follow me on my LinkedIn Blog.