A Review of Justina Chen's The Art of Inspiration by  Jeff Bailey

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The Art of Inspiration, Lead Your Best Story, by Justina Chen, was a revelation. I had intended to read it in spare moments over a couple of weeks. I read in spare moments in one day. The next day, I read it again with my various bios and profile pages laid out in front of me. The message in The Art of Inspiration, Lead Your Best Story was so obvious, after I read the book. In her professional past, Justina Chen packaged the ‘brand’ of major corporations to maximum the consumer appeal for the ‘brand.’ In The Art of Inspiration, Lead Your Best Story, Ms. Chen described, in detail, how to apply that corporate insight to maximizing the reader’s bios and profiles. I have re-posted all of my bios and profile pages.

I had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Chen a few months ago, at the 2016 Cavalcade of Authors in Washington State. The Cavalcade is a Pacific Northwest regional event similar to The International Science and Engineering Fair. The difference is that The Cavalcade brought 1200 middle school and high school readers and aspiring authors together with more than twenty of their favorite authors for a day of lectures, workshops, signing events, and photo ops.

Ms. Chen was a presenting author and I was a working host for author Steve Sheinkin, at the event. While I was a host for another author, my wife had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Chen at social gathering the evening before The Cavalcade opened. My wife and I were taken with how quickly we felt as though we knew Ms. Chen and identified with her story. I would have liked to have heard one of Ms. Chen’s presentations. Later in the event, I saw Ms. Chen interact with many of the teenage attendees. They all seemed to ‘know her’ immediately.

I would recommend The Art of Inspiration, Lead Your Best Story by Justina Chen as required reading for anyone who is writing a cover letter for either a college application or a resume. It will help those individuals to more effectively present their ‘brand.’

I rate The Art of Inspiration, Lead Your Best Story five plus stars because Justina Chen presents and develops such a needed message. She seemed so passionate about that message. I recommend that every teenager put Justina Chen on their required reading list. I’m looking forward, with anticipation, to her next book.

Others books by Justina Chen: North of Beautiful, Blind Spot for Boys, and Return to Me.

My name is Jeff Bailey. I write nuclear thrillers for a reason, I’ve worked in nuclear related industries, from nuclear weapons to nuclear research, for fifty years. Deer Hawk Publications released my first book, The Defect in June of 2016. In The Defect, I tell the story of a terrorist attack on a nuclear power plant and why the government covered it up. The Defect is based on true events. Deer Hawk Publications is scheduled to release I’m a Marine in May of 2017. I’m a Marine is about a female aviation firefighter in the U.S. Marines who witnesses the murder of two M.P.s. She decides that it is her duty to stop them. Keep in mind that I write nuclear thrillers. The Chilcoat Project, to be released in spring of 2018, is about the theft of nuclear weapons secrets from a national laboratory. The Chilcoat Project is also based on true events. My current project, Wine Country, is based on the true story of the Radioactive Boy Scout, but with a more sinister twist.