Meet Brad A. LaMar

Today, I'm introducing Brad A. LaMar:

 When he’s not fighting evil witches and wizards, Brad LaMar is an educator who resides in the Indianapolis Metropolitan area. He has taught science to middle school students for 12 years and works with teachers facilitating professional development and school improvement. Brad and his wife have two children that he describes as "intelligent and wonderful.

The idea for the Celtic Mythos series came from his love of science fiction and fantasy and the underutilized and abundantly rich folklore of the Celtic people. They are so much more than leprechauns! Brad has always loved a good story, and upon researching the mythos of the Celtic Isles he became enthralled in the type of story he could tell.


Q: What prompted you to start writing?

A: I have always been really into the story of things whether it be movies, books, or even when I played with toys as a child. I am a teacher as well as an author, and towards the beginning of my career I assigned my students to write the day in the life of an alien that they had to create (unit on body systems). I knew that they need to see a model of this, so I made up a crazy story and shared it with them. They loved it and thought that it could be a printed book. That experience started the spark in me and I made it a lofty goal to write and create worlds and characters that readers can enjoy.

Q: Describe the genre of your books.

A: As far as Published (or about to be published) I have stuck to the YA fantasy (Celtic Mythos) and YA science fiction (Anger Island). I have written other stories that I will be seeking to be published at some point and they range from poems, to children's adventures, to riffs on fairy an much more.

Q: Most readers have an all-time favorite book and author. What are your all-time favorite book and author?

A: There are too many to narrow it down too far, so I will give you a few ideas about how I am a reader.  I am elementary education trained, so during those years in college I became fond of a book called Lily’s Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes. Now, my minor is in science education (where I have worked for over 20 years and still enjoy it) and my students were into Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. I liked both of these series, as well. In my own time being an adult, I have favored books by A. Lee Martinez, Larry Correia’s Monster Hunter series, and others like Denny O’Neil, Janet Evanovich, and Stephen King.

Q: What words of wisdom do you have for our readers?

A: I believe having an open mind when beginning a story is always an idea to encourage. Giving a story, a character, or a conflict a chance to develop. I find that when readers judge too quickly they tend to miss out on an interesting, if not fun, ride.

Q: Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? How do you handle it?

A: I do get stuck occasionally, so my solution has been to switch to a different story that I am also currently writing. I try and put my head in a different space and see what I can get done in the next story.

Q: Every writer I know is also, an avid reader. I know I am. What new author have you discovered lately that you’re reading? Tell us about him or her.

A: Currently, during the pandemic, the majority of my time has been spent reading science information, websites, data and the like. I have kept my reading to nonfiction, but that does include a fellow Hoosier who writes sports named Phillip B. Wilson.

Q: If readers can read only one book this month, why should it be yours?

A: When I write any story, I imagine how it would play out on a screen as if the reader were actually getting to watch it. I love to write dialogue and build characters through their thoughts and conversations, so I feel like a reader can really get to know them, and not just the protagonist.

Q: What are you working on for your next release.

A: My next release is titled Angler Island and it follows the adventure of Evan and his harrowing experiences being stranded on an island in the Bermuda Triangle. Thou there are many others there, and the technology is progressive, Evan must deal with shady characters with greed, power, and murder on their minds.

Thanks, Brad, For more information on Brad A. LaMar follow him on YouTube, LinkedIn, or GoodReads.

Today's Book Selection: Between Earth and Eden by E.L. Irwin is the story of Jane, a young woman who moves away from her parents, but she gets involved with some dark forces that she can't make heads or tails of. Strange things begin to happen to and around her that will change her life completely. The story was amazing! A perfect blend of drama, romance, weirdness and fantasy. A perfect blend of genres such that no one element overwhelms the others. Not my usual reading, but this one was excellent. This was such an interesting heart-clenching story. I wasn't disappointed.