Rituals and Freemasonry
Laren, April 2016
Rituals we all know them in the daily live, but what do they mean, especially in the Freemasonry? And how can they help us on that difficult path of life?
Freemasonry is surrounded by many secrets, but the truth is simpler than the rumors would have us believe. Freemasonry is about finding freedom and overcoming fear. It transcends all religions and all religions could have a place in it. Freemasonry teaches us a different way of working so we can better face the challenges of life.
It is working for a greater goal: A better world in which the modern man can function optimally.
This lecture about Freemasonry was held in a Freemason`s Hall in the Netherlands on the Day of Freemasonry in 2012 by a Past Worshipful Master. It outlines the specific method as in the Netherlands is used. This is more liberal and humanistic in nature than in other countries. An eye-opener!
ISBN/EAN: 978-9082396133
Available as E-book in Kindle format by Amazon.nl voor € 2,99