
The following provides material specific to linking David Brewer (b. ca. 1762 m. Euphemia Warner) to Johannes Brouwer of Flatlands.


    Concerning linking David Brewer (b. ca, 1762 New Jersey, m. Euphemia Warner ) to Johannes Brouwer of Flatlands -- conjectured connection is David5 ( Dirk4, Elias3, Derck2 , Johannes1).

  When the Genealogical Summary for “Jan Brouwer of Flatlands and Descendants” appeared in “The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record” Volume 138 (2007), Marie Brewer Fawcett recognized the possibility that the Dirk4 Brouwer, son of Elias3 Brouwer and Lena Willemson, baptized 15 August 1732 in Harlingen, NJ might be the father, identified only as Derick or Derrick Brewer, of her ancestor David Brewer (b.1762) who married Euphemia Warner.  Until publication of the Jan Brouwer line in NYG&B she was stuck, unable to locate David’s progenitor line. But upon seeing the listing of children of Elias3, she quickly recognized the possibility that Dirk4 Brouwer was a  serious contender to be David’s father based on the extensive research she and Nita Pugh had done on the family of David Brewer and Euphemia Warner. 

    She wrote me about her conjecture and kindly supplied me with all of her research material, which she allowed me to share with Chris Chester, hoping we may find a definitive genealogical paperwork trail that could make solid the postulated connection between Jan’s line and her David’s line.  Unfortunately, no confirming material has turned up yet. However, I personally believe that David is a fifth generation descendant of Johannes1 Brouwer of Flatlands through his son Derck2 as: David5 (Dirk4, Elias3, Derck2, Johannes1). This conjecture will be explored further below and I am posting it with the hope that someone may have, or discover, the missing pieces.

The children of Dirk4 (identified as Derrick) are (For more information on each you can click on the name):

Elias Brewer+ b. c 1755, d. Oct 1842

Benjamin Brewer+ b. 24 Apr 1755

John Brewer+2 b. 25 Mar 1761 or 1762, d. 7 Jun 1848

David Brewer+1 b. 1762, d. b 4 Aug 1853

Samuel Brewer+ b. b 1763

   As I said earlier, Chris has summarized the research information provided by Marie Fawcett and Nita Pugh concerning Derrick Brouwer and his son David Brewer on the Brouwer Genealogy Database  at


And I see no reason to duplicate all that information here. I recommend you visit the site and select the link marked Derrick Brewer under the bullet “Dirck Brouwer and Derrick Brewer are possibly one and the same”.  You will find that Derrick Brewer was likely born before 1735, based on the birth dates of his children and is consistent with the known baptism 15 August 1732 for Dirk4 Brouwer, son of Elias3 Brouwer and Lena Willemson. As Chris explains, Marie’s research papers show the identification of the father of David Brewer, Derrick Brewer, comes from a biography left by David’s grandson, Jacob Jennings Warner Brewer, who when he was interviewed in 1899 states he is the “son of Samuel and Mary (Lacy) Brewer and grandson of David and Euphemia (Warner) Brewer. His great-grandfather was Derrick Brewer, who was of Holland descent.” Derrick's approximate year of birth was calculated by working backwards from his great-grandson Jacob who states he was born 21 June 1815 in Tyler Co. Virginia (now West Virginia).  I have included the biography of Jacob below. Note the rambling life he led, including running the rivers to Louisiana. It provides an example of the perfect context for dropping off a few children which may include the unknown ancestor (b ca.1800) of William L. Brewer Kit#14813. Jacob left home at 15 drifting down to New Orleans in 1830.

    JACOB JENNINGS WARNER BREWER was born on 21 June 1815 Tyler Co., Virginia (now West Virginia).  In 1899, Jacob left a biography stating he was born in Tyler Co, Virginia son of Samuel and Mary (Lacy) Brewer and grandson of David and Euphemia (Warner) Brewer. His great-grandfather was Derrick Brewer, who was of Holland Descent. His mother died when he was 2 yrs. old and was raised by his grandmother while his father -- [Samuel] was engaged in boating on the Ohio river. he married again and lived on the banks of the Ohio in Virginia until he died (at over 70 yr of age). He left his grandmother at age 15 and rafted the Ohio drifting down the Mississippi to New Orleans.  He married Susan (___) on 24 May 1840. In 1841 Jacob Jennings Warner Brewer resided Indiana.  In 1842 Jacob Jennings Warner Brewer resided Kentucky; where he leased a farm for three years.  Jacob Jennings Warner Brewer moved to Davis Co., Iowa, in 1844 travling by river boat along the Green River and Des Moines River. A boiler explosion on a boat injured his wife and killed their infant son. 

Jacob Jennings Warner Brewer moved to Missouri in 1856 where he bought a farm, remained until 1864 when he and his family fled to Nebraska during the Civil War.  He died on 13 August 1905 Douglas, Otoe Co., Nebraska.  He was buried Rose Hill Cemetery, Douglas, Otoe Co., Nebraska.

    David Brewer (b.ca. 1762 in New Jersey) who married Euphemia Warner, together with his brothers Elias Brewer, John Brewer, Benjamin Brewer, are all found in Fayette Co., Penn. in 1790.  One should also note that David moved from Virginia to PA and later back to Virginia [not Ohio as sometimes claimed]. David Brewer is found on a 1788 tax list of Ohio County., Virginia (now W.V.).  He appeared on the census of 1790 Fayette Co., Pennsylvania, with a family of 3 males over 16, 3 males under 16, 5 females.  To repeat: John Brewer, Benjamin Brewer, Elias Brewer, and David Brewer are all found in Fayette Co., Penn. in 1790.  David5 and Euphemia Warner were a member of Big Redstone Baptist Church, Franklin Twp., Fayette Co., Pennsylvania, in 1791.  He was in PA through 1800 (census) but back in Virginia (WV) by 1810.

    I encourage anyone who can to try and locate a descendant of David for DNA testing. Marie Fawcett had located presumed descendant one James Brewer, Kit#102740, but most unfortunately he did not match any Brewers thus far tested. I believe there must have been an error in the lineage that identified his descent from David.
