
The “Skipper”

“The name Nance Ito is legend in Women’s Softball. A catcher for the Lionettes for 14 years, Nance was placed on the National All Star team 13 times. As a player-coach assistant to Nancy Welborn for the San Diego Entry in the Women’s Professional Softball Association last season, Nance’s quiet determination and hustle was an inspiration to the younger San Diego players. We are confident that Nance can add an exciting offense to the solid defense that Lionettes fans have come to expect,” state Goldstein.

Her most thrilling moment in softball came when the underdog Lionettes defeated heavy favorites such as Portland, Stratford, and Whittier consecutively to win the 1962 National tournament.

“We didn’t have any superstars on the team, but everyone gave 110% and we came out on top,” Nance recalls. The other highlight of Ito’s career came in 1970 when the Lionettes represented the USA in the World Championships. The series was held in Nance’s parents’ homeland, Japan, and remains one of the most emotional experiences in her life.

Nancy Ito resigned as manager during the 1977 season. Upon Nancy's resignation, Bob Attanasio took over as manager.