Administrative Information - Intermediate Level Courses

Entry Requirements 

There are no entrance requirements for the Intermediate Level courses although some students may find it helpful to have first passed the Basic Level course first before attempting the Intermediate Level course.


Students who wish to enroll for an Intermediate Level course must obtain an application form from I.S.T.T. This must be completed and returned to I.S.T.T. together with any requested supporting documentation.

Method of Instruction 

All courses are offered through the medium of distance education. Theoretical assignments that have to be submitted for evaluation, and electronic communication with I.S.T.T. training staff compliment the distance learning process. One of the advantages of studying while remaining at the place of employment is that the learning process is reinforced daily with direct comparisons possible between what is being studied and what actually happens in the workplace.

Language Medium 

All study material is available in English only. Students must submit assignment and examination answers in English only.


Students on the Intermediate Level courses have to complete three assignments during the academic year. These can be submitted electronically or by courier to I.S.T.T. for evaluation. The marks obtained count towards the overall course mark. 


Most examinations are written at the company where you work. If you are a private student, you will need to arrange an examination venue and invigilator that is acceptable to ISTT, and confirm arrangements with ISTT prior to writing the examination.  The examination will be written under strict examination conditions. The overall pass mark for the Intermediate Level courses is 50%. The examinations are externally examined by international technical experts. 

Students who do not pass the course will be given the opportunity to rewrite the examination at a later date. A rewrite fee will be charged.

Practical Course

The Intermediate Level courses do not have a practical component. These are theoretical courses only. There is, however, a lot of practical information in the course notes.  


Students who successfully pass the Intermediate Level courses will be awarded a certificate from I.S.T.T. Students who complete the courses theoretically only, will have this noted on their certificates.