Course Fees
Short Courses
Introduction to the Leather Industry - R 5 500
Chemical Safety in the Tannery - R 5 500
Gameskin and Nguni Hair-on Tanning - R 5 500
Basic Level Courses
Basic Level Tanning - R 12 000
Basic Level Dyehouse - R 12 000
Basic Level Finishing - R 12 000
Intermediate Level Courses
Intermediate Level Tanning - R 14 000
Intermediate Level Dyehouse - R 14 000
Intermediate Level Finishing - R 14 000
Advanced Level Courses
Advanced Level Tanning - R 15 000
Advanced Level Dyehouse - R 15 000
Advanced Level Finishing - R 15 000
Advanced Certificate in Leather Technology
Module 1 (Same as Advanced Level Tanning course) - R 15 000
Module 2 (Same as Advanced Level Dyehouse course) - R 15 000
Module 3 (Same as Advanced Level Finishing course) - R 15 000
Module 4 Clean Technologies - R 15 000
Module 5 Miscellaneous Tannages - R 15 000
Module 6 Final Practical Project - R 7 500
1. The course fees exclude VAT.
2. Registration and examination fees are included in the course fee.
3. Examinations are normally written on-site at each company and at the company's expense.
4. Examinations written off- site will be for the company's or the private individuals account.
5. The cost of repeating a course is 25% of the full course fee.
6. The course fees include the cost of all notes and handouts.
Certificate in Wastewater Process Operations
Course fee - R 12 000
1. The course fee excludes VAT.
2. Registration and examination fees are included in the course fee.
3. This course includes a 2½-day intensive lecture session which is included in the course fee.
4. Accommodation, meals and transport for own arrangement and account.
Namibian, Zimbabwean and Botswana Students
Due to the high cost of couriers to foreign countries, course fees will be increased by R2 500 per student/per course for the above countries.