Patient Satisfaction

Quick Info:

Post Visit Satisfaction Survey Results

  • 99.4% rated services as good or excellent

  • 99.4% said they would be likely or very likely to return

  • 99.7% indicated they felt their privacy / confidentiality were maintained

  • 99.1% said they would recommend the clinic

  • 95% indicated they waited less than 5 minutes from their original appointment time to be seen

Member Out of Pocket Savings

In the eighth year of operation, the ISD Employee Health Clinic saved School District participants over $139,250!

Privacy Policy

By law, your information cannot be shared with your employer without your consent, unless you are receiving treatment for occupational health or a work related injury.

Questions, Comments, Concerns

If you have a question, comment or concern regarding your experience in the ISD Employee Health Clinic, please contact Everside Health directly at (877) 527-2273. (This line is not for scheduling purposes.)