Videos from Madrid 2020

Hooray! We now have lots of videos from the Madrid 2020 Weekend. If anyone has more, maybe you upload them to youtube UNLISTED and then send us the link to put here. Re the ones already listed below: we hope you enjoy the videos, but please do not share them in very public places, like Facebook, for example. They are really meant only for members of the Iberian dance groups and their friends and family. Apart from privacy questions related to the dancers, we are also aware that the band leader does not wish videos to be shared indescriminately.

EH3 7AF - The video shows (most of!) the final time through of the dance, which was the first dance of the Friday ball. Anyway, you get an idea of the hall, the music and the atmosphere!

MacDonald of Keppoch - This was the sixth dance on the Friday night. The dance was immediately encored: this video shows the first time it was danced.

Reel of the Royal Scots - The video shows part of this dance, which was the twelfth dance on the Friday night

Seann Triubhas Willichan The video shows part of this dance, which was the thirteenth dance on the Friday night

Grand March (five little videos showing parts of the Grand March on the Saturday night, in the correct order)

Gang the Same Gate The video shows part of the dance, which was the third dance on the Saturday night

The Scalliwag (video 1) The video shows part of the dance, which was the seventh dance on the Saturday night

The Scalliwag (video 2) The video shows another part of the dance, which was the seventh dance on the Saturday night

The Dream Catcher The video shows part of this dance, which as the tenth dance on the Saturday night

Flowers of Edinburgh The video shows part of the dance, which was the twelfth dance on the Saturday night

The Dancing Spirit The video shows part of the dance, which was the fourteenth dance on the Saturday night