International Society for Taxonomic Explorations by I. A. T. Savillo

    Membership is now open for the International Society for Taxonomic Explorations (ISTE). Please contact  Prof. Isidro A. T. Savillo, if interested. This society was inspired by what a UK based organization is doing in its neighborhood programs in biodiversity evaluation. Learn as well as discover new species in your area. Through this, one can go further more- find means of sustaining as well as conserving such species of interest. Study their roles in the community. Long term observations can gauge the effect of the prevalent environmental conditions affecting them.  At the end, you will soon realize, that what you did have contributed largely to the world's ecological balance and understanding. Your projects and activities will be posted here whether it will be in the form of publications or essays or a photo album labeled with correct scientific names. In case, you did interdisciplinary studies with your taxonomic work such as avian ecology, etc. you are also welcome to post it here.  ISTE was established on Earth Day 2012.

   Why is ISTE membership important?  Be a Naturalist!

   Members can post their questions or taxonomic problems by sending those to me and these will be posted in the ISTE web site for public viewing and subsequently be forwarded to the specific taxonomic expert.  Answers to your queries by the taxonomic experts will not be posted publicly but as an ISTE member, you can come inside ISTE's web site and have access to answers to your questions. The answers will be made available to all ISTE members or only to a selected few depending on the arrangements. There will be particular rules and regulations  that ISTE members will have to abide to and these will be revealed soon. A convenient scientific  methodology prior to requesting for identification will be provided by the expert so initial data will be at hand once identification is being sought from the expert.  I believe this society is the world's most practical taxonomic resource offering an easier and convenient way in taxonomic analysis of any species.  So please, we encourage you to become ISTE members now. By doing so, we could all become naturalists considering that we cover interest in a broad range of organisms.  

   Ongoing list of Worldwide Taxonomic Experts. These are volunteer taxonomic experts that we can run to for identification and verification. Whether it is for a scientific project or research or just a hobby by inspecting the plant and animal species in your neighborhood this could eventually add knowledge to you and to every member of ISTE. In this way, we then can live up to our harmony with nature.  

    (2014) iPlant - prospective collaborative org for ISTE.  Other organizations are welcome!


1. Lichenology- Dr. Harrie Sipman (Germany)

2. Eumycetozoans- Dr. Steven L. Stephenson (USA)

3. Myrmecology- ongoing 

4. Lepidopterology - ongoing

5. Malacology- ongoing

6. Herpetology - ongoing

7. Bryology - Dr. Jeffrey  G. Duckett (U.K.)

8. Phanerogams/Plant Systematics - Dr. Walter Judd (U.S.A)

9. Phanergamology- Dr. Walter Judd (U.S.A.)

10. Gymnosperm Taxonomy- Dr. Walter Judd (U.S.A.) 

11. Pomology

12. Orchidology

13. Pteridology - ongoing

14. Phycology - ongoing

15. Mycology - ongoing

16. Arthropodology

17. Carcinology- ongoing 

18. Entomology

19. Arachnology

20. Coleopterology

21. Ornithology- ongoing

22. Cetology

23. Ichthyology

24. Protozoology

25. Helminthology

26. Oligochaetology

27. Echinodermology- ongoing

28. Parazoology

29. Cnidariology- ongoing

30. Cynology

31. Siphonapterology

32. Odonatology- ongoing

33. Sirenian Taxonomy- ongoing

34. Mammalogy

35. Wetland Plants Taxonomy- ongoing

36. Carnivorous Plants Taxonomy- ongoing

37. Marine Grasses Taxonomy

38. Bacteriology/Virology

Associate Taxonomic Scientists are local experts in the country of ISTE members that they can confer (as needed e.g. limited specimen, rare reproduction, etc. ) their work upon direction and approval by the World Expert. 

Let scientific names be routinely used in universal communication. It will be easier for everyone to ecologically understand and save species all throughout the world. . I. Savillo `05/03/2012

Subpages updated - April 9, 2014...(pls. click below). Thanks.

or go directly to- Lanius sp. what a heck are you doing at ambient urban gardens?

Direct site for the sub page of  Crematogaster. 

Archive for Documenting Passer montanus Developmental Stages of Growth

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