Pestiest Ant

  I consider this as the most annoying ant in the Philippine household. It does not form lines. It appears as scatters of ten or more when a food crap is present and like to swim in clean drinking water. Being very small in size and difficult to detect by the naked eyes, if swallowed on clean water how much  microbial load does it carry?  In addition, they are difficult to kill with the common commercial insecticide for they usually return back after spraying or wiping the surfaces  with such insecticides.  If any one who has the interest in doing a research study on this the much better. They do not bite painfully  but would be itchy (or their own way of biting?) on the skin. Their "living quarter" is also difficult to locate. For taxonomic ID someone at UPLB as to my previous post on ants is doing this work at UPLB.

Ants feeding on food craps. 

An Ant swimming on surface of the clean water inside a clean drinking glass.