Rainy Season Plant Scatters

This plant is equivalent to the Spring Plant Scatters of the U.S.A. They sprout out during the rainy season in this tropical area in the Philippines. Without care as long as they are left untouched. No need of cultivating. As annuals, they die leaving their seeds and when the rains come, they grow and bear flowers and form seeds again. The cycle keeps going.  But to my surprise, the hybrids are forming.  From white to light "pink" mix, white outlined by blue, to all light pink to light velvet. Basically/Originally it is just blue and white.  Here are they:

All light pink to light velvet

The bright velvet in contrast to the original blue (left below)

The original white- As to my re- survey this white has intensities of light to very light velvet/pink outline/shade (as shown in photo below), there is no such thing as pure white. [In case, there is (same area), it will be posted here.]

White with light pink/velvet outline

White with dark blue outline in contrast with blue ones in front

The original blue- dark blue In color

The Mixes - light velvet and the original blue

A Field of Blue dreams. Is there a white?

 This is confirmed by Dr. Walter S. Judd, our taxonomic expert, as Torenia fournieri, a member of the recently recognized family, Linderniaceae, in the Lamiales. Thanks a lot.