Belize and Its People: Life in A Multicultural Society

Belize and Its People: Life in A Multicultural Society

Author: Godfrey Mwakikagile

Paperback: 220 pages

Publisher: Continental Press (20 June 2010)

ISBN-10: 9987932215

ISBN-13: 9789987932214


Book description:

The author looks at Belize and its people to provide a general picture of the country and its ethnic diversity and how different ethnic groups interact as members of a multicultural society.

Some of the main subjects covered include group identity - Creole, Mestizo, Garifuna and so on - and the role it plays in determining relations between members of different ethno-cultural groups in a country which stands out probably as the most ethnically diverse in Central America.

The work is also a general introduction to Belize from a historical and geographical standpoint. Although it's written for the general public, some students and scholars may find it to be useful in different areas of study. It's well-documented with scholarly references and citations from many sources which go beyond the interest of the general reader and can even be used as a college text on Belize, providing useful insights into the complexities of a multicultural society.
