Sautéed Garlicky Watercress with Bacon

Sautéed Garlicky Watercress with Bacon


2 bunches (12 ounces) watercress

4 bacon strips

2 cloves garlic, chopped

1/8 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon sugar

pinch of black pepper


    1. Trim the large, tough stalks on watercress (optional). Remove discolored leaves.
    2. Place watercress in a large bowl filled with water. Wash, drain and dry. Set aside.
    3. Place bacon strips in a single layer in a large cold skillet. Turn heat to medium.
    4. Turn bacon over when bottom side is brown. Cook until the second side is brown. Turn over once or twice, if needed for even browning on both sides (8-12 minutes total cook time).
    5. Transfer to a paper towel lined plate to drain.
    6. Crumble or cut into small chunks. Set aside.
    7. Drain fat from skillet leaving at least 1 tablespoon in pan.
    8. On medium heat, add garlic. Cook for 1 minute, stirring frequently. Reduce heat if needed to prevent burning.
    9. Add watercress.
    10. Stir and scrape garlic off the bottom as watercress cooks.
    11. Add sugar and salt.
    12. Add bacon after most of the watercress has cooked down.
    13. Cook until watercress is limp but still vibrant green (about 2 minutes total cook time).
    14. Transfer to a serving bowl.

Makes 4 servings.

Recipe Notes:

    1. Watercress stalks are completely edible. Trimming tougher stalk is optional.
    2. Starting the bacon in a cold pan helps to render the fat and prevents sticking.
    3. This recipe is best with mature watercress, but if using baby watercress, reduce cook time.